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Thread: More sham marriage grubs nabbed in Sheffield

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up More sham marriage grubs nabbed in Sheffield

    Well done the UKBA but you can rest assured these lawbreakers won't be deported

    'I always cry at weddings': Tearful bride led away in handcuffs after police target suspected sham marriage

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  2. #2
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    GOOD !

    Boot both of these parasites out of the country !

  3. #3
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    I would have thought the failed asylum seeker groom will be deported.
    Well, I'd like to believe that.

  4. #4
    Respected Member tomboo's Avatar
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    so frustrating, if your foreign and european you can bring almost anyone in using deciet and lies. if your british and genuine/in love you have a challenge to bring your loved one in and have to wait fingers crossed for weeks/months while some (probably not british) person sits and reads through your application and then decides on YOUR future, crazy

  5. #5
    Respected Member beppe's Avatar
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    More likely some money has changed hands.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beppe View Post
    More likely some money has changed hands.
    I've seen btw £3,000 to £5,000 and in some cases alot more, the average wage in Slovakia is around £600 a month that's if your lucky to have a job with 14% unemployment rate, so some people will find it very tempting

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomboo View Post
    so frustrating, if your foreign and european you can bring almost anyone in using deciet and lies. if your british and genuine/in love you have a challenge to bring your loved one in and have to wait fingers crossed for weeks/months while some (probably not british) person sits and reads through your application and then decides on YOUR future, crazy
    Which is why it is particularly galling for those of us who have had to prove what model citizens we are to the govt. in order to bring our loved ones home, or for those currently jumping through those expensive and humiliating hoops.

    Where else in life would it be deemed acceptable for some total stranger to be able to trawl through your love letters and every other intimate detail of your life, apart from perhaps if you were a prison inmate ?

    Maybe if benefit system claimants were subject to equally zealous interrogation....

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Bogus bride and groom sentenced for sham marriage

    A would-be Dutch bride, her Nigerian groom and a member of their 'wedding' party were today given jail sentences at Manchester Crown Court for staging a sham marriage in a bid to beat UK immigration rules.

    The 'bride' Cindy Bonsu a 20-year-old Dutch-Ghanaian, was given a 7 month jail sentence suspended for 12 months while the 'groom' Dennis William, a 36-year-old Nigerian, was jailed for 15 months. Both had pleaded guilty to conspiracy to facilitate illegal immigration at a court hearing in September this year. William, who also admitted possession of a forged UK driving licence, was jailed for a further 12 months to run concurrently.

    time to change the law, if your a European unless you have permanent residency in the European country your in, you have to marry in the country where you have residency under that countries immigration laws, or maybe like us Brits you need evidence your relationship is genuine (history of contact etc ) and not just someone you met the same day or a week ago

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Bogus bride and groom sentenced for sham marriage

    A would-be Dutch bride, her Nigerian groom and a member of their 'wedding' party were today given jail sentences at Manchester Crown Court for staging a sham marriage in a bid to beat UK immigration rules.

    The 'bride' Cindy Bonsu a 20-year-old Dutch-Ghanaian, was given a 7 month jail sentence suspended for 12 months while the 'groom' Dennis William, a 36-year-old Nigerian, was jailed for 15 months. Both had pleaded guilty to conspiracy to facilitate illegal immigration at a court hearing in September this year. William, who also admitted possession of a forged UK driving licence, was jailed for a further 12 months to run concurrently.

    time to change the law, if your a European unless you have permanent residency in the European country your in, you have to marry in the country where you have residency under that countries immigration laws, or maybe like us Brits you need evidence your relationship is genuine (history of contact etc ) and not just someone you met the same day or a week ago
    Not a single mention in the report of deporting them

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