back home around 20 cane back and straight away i was thinking no beer no wine, so that was my job once i got back off to sainsburys, back with lots and to a very warm house someone had the heating on very hi, thats why i am in my teeshirt i may had just to hot.
Videoke was on and the party was starting , wow what great singers there are the ladies were very good and Darren what a voice how could anyone match him,lots of singing and even dancing too, duets and group singing too,
Thanks go to Steve for singing for us while me and Emma had our first dance, Wonderful tonight,video, pictues lots more taken, i think it was a little loud but its about time i got my own back on the naigbours,
its my opinion that Darren really does have a great voice and was one of the best singers of the night , all the ladies was very good and what sweet voices they all have and singing from the heart too,Alan was singing both english and tagalog too but he could have been singing chinese i could not tell,
Nathan had a little fever not the Elvis sort , but it could have been so many people trying to sing me one off them , i was forced up to sing and by crike, i could here myself and it sounded frightning,but Emma helped by joining me, thanks Em,
People started to leave, no more beer it could have been,and saying goodbye to many felt sad but we know its only for a short time, soon we shall be seeing them again, anyway have to sort the bedding out for our guest, sofabed and sofa was on offer but they are both comfortable i know,
Goodnight ALAN, goodnight Steve r, goodnight Emma goodnight Steve god it was like the Waltons.
Sunday , and was it all a dream or was it real , wait what is that noise we hear, snoring yes its real, and they both was complimenting each other , one stopped one started, hello Mrs Woolley i said hello Mr Woolley she said, and we smiled.
Breakfast boys a full english is wanted with a cup of tea too with toast, yum yum yum and yes i did make it, reflecting on the weekend so far and yesterday in perticular, there was lots to say, Steve was wanting to get gone soon a long drive home he was planning and Alans train was just after 2pm,
After saying our farewells to steve we asked Alan would he like to walkj around the lake and so coat on some bread for the ducks off we went, a very nice warm walk and feeding the ducks while sitting in the sun, a simple walk but was so relaxing too,time is ticking so back home we must go, just time for a quick bite i thought, but i am new to this lark , in a few minutes Emma can make a three course dinner so my cheese sandwich in a few minutes was a none starter but i made it anyway,come on time to go , dont want Alan to miss his train , NO CHANCE, anyway got him intime for his train and again a farewell to a new friend, then we are alone what shall we do but site at home smilling and thinking wow what fantastic people have helped us this weekend and what great new friends we have too,well done to all off you everyone that has contributed with wishes and more ,Mickcant thankyou for the borang, Simon the flowers, Rani for the wedding invertations, Darren the pictures, Clarice for helping emma, Grace and Shane for the videoke,Alan,Steve,Carl and Resty,Marlyn and Kenny for being there for us on our great day and for everyone that thought of us we thank you all from our hearts,Steve and Emma