Yes, life here in England can be very hard.
Also life in Philippines can be very hard.
You don't mention how you met Riza, did you meet in person?
Have you ever visited Philippines?
Where in the Phils does Riza live?

Many people here have dreams to live in the Phils. Me included.
Please believe that I do not intend to be negative on your dream,
just want to help.
Do you have some idea on how you will achieve an income?

You would need to be very lucky to secure employment there (also working visa is needed) and even luckier if you could achieve anything like a local income that would meet your daily living needs.
Something to think about.

Different people learn languages in different ways, for me the best way is actually 'living with the language'. I think you could learn a lot within a few months.

Look forward to helping you in your considerations for your future.