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Thread: where to put my papers best upon submission in VAC?

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    where to put my papers best upon submission in VAC?

    where to put best my papers for submission?
    in 2 envelopes seperating original copies from photocopies
    or binders?

    and my mom will be sponsoring the trip as well as the application fee.
    do I need to provide payslips from my mom?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
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    When my wife and I applied for her spouse visa I put all the documents into a ring binder with dividers separating the individual sections plus a full set of copies into another ring binder. At her interview/submmission she was told to take all the documents out of the binders and take all the dividers out as well, just leaving two piles of papers! So I would just suggest just two envelopes one for the originals and one for the copies and just leave all the papers and documents loose, but in order as indicated on the application form.
    Also, a lot of the copies, which were asked for were given back to my wife a the interview and not required.
    As for the the payslips from your mother, that I am not sure about, but would suggest indicating this in a letter accompanning your application.
    Good luck

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