You wake up late! Oh hell your late for work! Oh gosh they're going to be so angry with you at work!Gosh I better get a move on! Where are my clothes? I haven't got time for this!
Where's my wallet?
Where are my keys?
I better find them keys quick I'm in such a hurry now!
Maybe they're on that shelf in the kitchen? But I doubt it! I suppose I'll spend half the morning looking for them and then I'll be seriously late!
You look on the kitchen shelf, drat they're not there! I just knew I'd have a terrible day today, I'm going to turn the house upside down until I find those keys!
And so there you are, looking under things, throwing clothes across the room saying where are my keys?
Where are my keys?
Maybe I did leave them in the kitchen? Oh this is silly! I need to calm down!
You walk back in the kitchen and you notice your keys ARE on the shelf after all.
And you think to yourself, "That's funny..
I'm sure those keys weren't there earlier!"
Whats happened here is that you woke up late, if that wasn't stressful enough you couldn't find your clothes! Then you were anxious about where your keys were?You convinced yourself that you would have a stressful morning searching for your keys!
And so you DID have a stressful morning searching for your keys! You attracted it that way!
***Here comes the mindblowing bit!!! ***
When you first looked at the shelf in the kitchen, the keys were INVISIBLE in your perception. You attracted it this way because you firmly believed you would have a stressful morning searching for your keys. It was only when you started to calm down that the keys became visible again.
What I'm trying to convince you of here is that whatever you think, whatever you believe...YOUR RIGHT!!!
And I hear you cry "Don't be silly how can the keys be invisible and then visible again?"
If a second person happened to be in the kitchen at the time, they would have seen the keys, but you would have not! YOU created the "I can't find my keys scenario" in advance with your mind, you attracted it, and so, in your perception, the keys WERE invisible!
Now I'd like you to watch this video clip, the guy sitting on the bed has been hypnotised into believing his friend is invisible, and you can tell by the guys reactions that in his perception, his friend is indeed invisible!