I'm not that much of a career person anyway....although I once tried to attract £81 billion pounds!It's supposed to be no harder than attracting £1 so I thought I'd try it, I suppose somewhere in my mind I didn't have faith that it would work...and that would be the reason why it didn't work! REALLY this is what I believe.
I've certainly attracted cashiers in shops to give me too much change, I only do it to demonstate to myself that attraction is still on!When I am given too much change it tends to be in the shop that I wasn't expecting... what I've learnt from this is that attraction "don't come in the box you thought it would" because of this "don't come in the box you thought it would" thing people think good or bad things are happening to them by chance...well they're NOT! It's ATTRACTION!
Law Of Attraction can't be proven but you can prove it to yourself when playing sports perhaps...if you pre-imagine yourself scoring strike after strike at a ten pin bowling game, imagine how good it's going to feel, have passion for it! You can hear your pals cheering already!
People who are good at sports tend to be passionate about it...I think they picture they're spectacular performance in advance of them doing it! I'm convinced this plays a part in what makes us successful!
If you imagine an old freind you haven't seen for years...remember how you used to laugh together etc... that person will turn up in your life...maybe they will pop up on facebook, maybe they will call you, or: maybe YOU will walk into a bar and say "Wow there's my old pal haven't seen him in years!"
Attraction doesn't come in the box we thought it would, but I'm convinced it's all attraction! I believe in Law Of Attraction like I believe in the Law Of Gravity, I'm convinced it's the real deal, it's the truth about our lives!
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
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