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  1. #1
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    All the best from everyone here on Pete & Gina's wedding. It's a long road, but paradise has now been reached

    I'll have the wife start knitting the little booties now :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Bet Gina can't wait to get to Blighty, we had snow on Saturday! :o

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  2. #2
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    Hi All,

    Yes, congratulations are in order fo the new couple and I hope that it all went well on the night. Lol.

    You said about it snowing on Saturday... I was leaving work to go to Heathrow at 5pm on Friday the 8th and it was snowing here then.

    I just got back from a wonderful week in Cyprus. Not much of a break though. Spent most of the time following my boss around taking notes on health and safety.
    Take care All,

    Jas & Paul.

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Oishii@Apr 18 2005, 02:27 PM
    Hi All,

    Yes, congratulations are in order fo the new couple and I hope that it all went well on the night. Lol.

    You said about it snowing on Saturday... I was leaving work to go to Heathrow at 5pm on Friday the 8th and it was snowing here then.

    I just got back from a wonderful week in Cyprus. Not much of a break though. Spent most of the time following my boss around taking notes on health and safety.

    Thanks for all the well wishing guys, snow...errrrrr youre kidding right, boy its 35 degrees here in Singapore, lets hope its a little lower than that I will see you all in the motherland tomorrow, thanks for all your support, Mr Mrs Bennett, finally did it, and the wedding was great, the honeymoon is over, and its back to reality, but hey Im feeling so much better that we took that long journey of love and marriage in the Philippines, the only problem is, I am not esctatic about coming back, but hey it has to be done, looking forward to meeting up with Paul in town, soon.

    Best wishes \

    Pete and Gina

  4. #4
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    Doesn't time fly, all gone sooooo fast.......Only 2 weeks before I'm flying out to Singapore.

    Saturday morning, lovely snow again!! I thought it was the middle of Spring, roll on Summer, we might have a 70deg heatwave :unsure:

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  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hopefully Keith and Ping will be having a great time over in Sunny Singapore, having just got back myself from Singapore, I am envious of them, hehehe, I will be missing, shopping at Sim Lim Keith, you lucky so and so, wanted to buy the latest speaker system for the Apple I pod, the JBL Round speaker module, pretty cool, it was around SD 270.00 pretty neat, but i have other expenses, so I had to dip out on that one.

    I saw the York Hotel Keith, seems very nice, I didnt stay there, I was booked in on a Package tour, and got put down in Geylang, lorong 18, funnily enough where all the hookers hang out, thanks alot Filipino travel, although the hotel was ok, it was very basic, with a double bed and t.v. the shower was ok, it did the job, it was about 15 minutes by taxi from Orchard Plaza, about SD 5.00 per journey, all in all not too bad.

    I did actually take the City tour, seeing the Raffles statue, the Singapore Lion, the sentosa trip was quite nice, seeing Dolphins, and acquariums, the cable car was a laugh, considering Gina was petrified that it would fall down below into the harbour, heheheh, I have a video of that, it was fun.

    Gina and I did have lunch in Suntec City, however the lunch at Pizza Hut was around SD 32.00 and we didnt get much for that, Gina was dissapointed, as we got the same in Philippines for about SD15.00 obviously this shows the difference in prices, the pizza in Glorietta is of course much biggeer.

    I like the fact that in Changi Airport there is free use of the internet, that is a smart move in my view, as you can rattle off a couple of messages, and do some browsing, also the shopping there is quiite nice, I cant help but remember how clean the place is, although, when we went to Johor State across the Causeway, I found the immigration procedure a little cumbersome, having to get off the tour bus and go through immigration only to get back on again, at the other end.

    I note that in Singapore, they are vastly short of water resources, they went to great trouble to take us to the Governments installation called "Newater" its a revedrse osmosis plant recycling industrial waste water and turning it into bottled drinking water, the environmental tour was interesting for me, as I am interested in those things, but some of my Filipino freinds, were distracted by it, and bored.

    I understand though that Singapore uses over 350 Million gallons of water a day, having to buy most of it from Johor state, and if you cross the causeway by bus or car, you can actually see the transfer pipes at the side of the road, showing that if there ever was a dispute between Malaysia and Sinagpore how easily it would be to cut Singapore off from their water supply.

    Gina and I also visited the Night Safari, which to be honest, for me was a pain in the ass, since I constantly got bitten by mosquitoes, needless to say it was incredibly hot at night also.

    I think Singapore is a great City, and the Singaporeans are very poud of their achievements, I like the high rise screen t.v. commercials along Orchard road, also, the City is so far advanced over Manila and I like the fact that every singaporean chld going to school has a laptop computer, can you imagine that here in UK, personally I think they would try and flog them, or break them, Singapore for me was a nice trip, i can understand why Keith goes there, although I have to say its a little on the expensive side, compared with the Philippines.

  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Ok guys I just found out today, that Gina's interview is set for 6th June, we had to put it off, as no NSO Papers, this will of course give us time to get ready, and then Gina needs time to resign from her post, boy another 6 to 10 weeks of waiting, I cant wait to see what happens next.

  7. #7
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Apr 24 2005, 07:57 PM
    Ok guys I just found out today, that Gina's interview is set for 6th June, we had to put it off, as no NSO Papers, this will of course give us time to get ready, and then Gina needs time to resign from her post, boy another 6 to 10 weeks of waiting, I cant wait to see what happens next.
    Hi Pete, Elsa said to get an Advance Endorsement to speed up processing of the NSO - we got ours in 2 weeks. To do this, return to the Municipal Office where you married/registered married, and ask the Registrar to send the advanced endorsement - its basically a letter saying "please NSO process this form quicker" - its really as simple as that. My understanding is that all marraige certificates are normally processed in monthly batches in Philippines - hence the reason why Advance Endorse is a far quicker route. Good luck.

  8. #8
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    Trust you to stay in Geylang, the only &#39;downtown&#39; place in Singapore <_<

    Eating in US places such as KFC, Burger King, etc is as overpriced as it is anywhere in the World. I find that although the KFC chicken tastes better over there, the pieces are smaller, but then with all the food courts around, and great value for money, you don&#39;t really need to use the &#39;named&#39; food outlets.

    You can spend hours walking around Sim Lim dreaming of taking home a multi-server media system weighing around 100KG&#39;s. The thing I like about the place is I can access the UK online computer sites there, show them the prices, and they give me a better deal.

    The cable car is very high, our friend clings on for dear life whiel I&#39;m jumping up and down, but it&#39;s a fantastic view.

    Have you ever seen a cleaner airport than Changi though, it seems when no one is looking they give it a quick going over with a toothbrush. Drop any litter and you find yourself surrounded by armed police :blink:

    Their is a good reason for the immigration (remember you now have to get/on airplanes if they have a stop-off), Singapore has problem one of the tightest immigration controls on the planet. Unlike us, they know exactly who & where all visitors/immigrants are. Any immigrants committing a minor offence are sent home, no questions, and never allowed back.Aslyum seekers don&#39;t exist, they just don&#39;t go there, as they no it&#39;s a 100% chance they&#39;ll be going back home on the next flight. Maybe a few things we could learn from that.

    6th June eh Pete, I cna hear you phining from here It&#39;ll give you that little bit more time to buy extra blankets, get more heating in........ :lol:

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  9. #9
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I absolutely agree with you Keith, gives me more time to get ready for her ladyships arrival, although at present it seems rather a long way off, but its only another 6 weeks to the interview, and hopefully 4 weeks after that she will make that long trip over, oh well maybe I get to have desert at the end.....Im sure it will be gravy all the way after that.

  10. #10
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Where is Keith Nasaan ka na...ang ano hotel tayo... ???

  11. #11
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    Landed in &#39;ald Blighty at 7am this morning, totally buggered...not sure which country my stomach is in, and plenty of work to do. I&#39;ll be lucky if I can stay up past 8pm tonight.

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  12. #12
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by admin@May 18 2005, 02:07 PM
    Landed in &#39;ald Blighty at 7am this morning, totally buggered...not sure which country my stomach is in, and plenty of work to do. I&#39;ll be lucky if I can stay up past 8pm tonight.
    Welcome back Keith and Ping to the old you are as happy as a pig be back..hey I hear you..and know just how you feel..but all the same welcome back.

    Hope you had a great time...Rob is here..on the Forum..and Rob and I had a nice chat on the phone couple of days ago...

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@May 18 2005, 08:27 PM
    and know just how you feel..but all the same welcome back.

    Hope you had a great time...Rob is here..on the Forum..and Rob and I had a nice chat on the phone couple of days ago...
    I know how it feels to arrive back in a freezing cold UK airport after a few weeks on paradise island. Makes you wanna go and live abroad forever and come back to the UK just for a holiday :lol:

    Pete, I spoke to Elsa about your little plan, and she thinks its great, go for it&#33; I&#39;ll email you later Elsa&#39;s number to pass onto Gina when she arrives in UK.


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