She is single and 24... she's keeping her options Open. She liked u and she knows you really really like (even love) her. She may not be cheating you with someone... but She IS NOT INTO YOU AS MUCH AS YOU'RE INTO HER. The fact she didn't introduce you to her family when you wer here is one sign she is not as IN this RElationship as you are. Stop sending her money and try feel what would happen. I understand you're in a great deal of pain and confusion right now. And u learned to love her so much when you were here... and i'm sure she's nice and might be confused too right now. I know how hard it is to be in that situation believe me..confused and not knowing where you stand in someones life...but i guess the best as of now is deal with your feelings...control the jealousy first and look at things logically BEFORE YOU GO MUCH DEEPER.
When something's amiss STOP.LOOK.LISTEN.