Everything's going well at the moment. Still waiting on the visa news. We've had a few really good talks in the last few days and there have been some confessions. Turns out she knew the other guy earlier than I thought and it was originally from the same dating site that we found each other. But she swears she's only met him on the few occasions that she already told me about. I'm trusting her on that.
I'm not sending any money. She started a new job this week but has let it be known that she'll be struggling until payday. I let it be known that I can't help at all and she insists that I've done too much already. I want to be able to talk openly about everything, but she steers the conversation away from that now.
She's still in contact with the other guy and insists it's a friendship. I've pointed out that a friendship goes two ways and he doesn't view it that way. She says he might have more work for her and she can use the money, so she doesn't want to burn her bridges.
I feel like she's being honest with me and I'm trying hard to accept the way things are, but I won't be happy until he's completely out of the picture. If she gets the visa, that should be the end of that, but if she doesn't I'm afraid it might drag on and on and it'll always be a problem.
As for not meeting her family, I don't view that as particularly odd or suspicious. I was there for a week and up until I arrived, it was just an online relationship. I didn't feel like meeting her family was something that necessarily had to happen. Her family definitely knows about me through facebook and the things I've had sent to her home (including a letter to her parents from my mother).
Again, I won't be sending any more money, so at this point I'm only taking an emotional risk, not a financial one. And I think she's worth it.