Quote Originally Posted by melly666 View Post
..... the Western men with the Asian women are the ones that the Western women don't want! 99% are complete losers,the Western women know this and spend their time killing themselves laughing at the stupidity of these aging,ugly sexist disillusioned men!
Quote Originally Posted by melly666 View Post
The Western women just laugh at these men because they are the Western women rejects,WE DON'T WANT YOU. 99% of them are just aging,sexist, ugly men and are complete losers. We kill ourselves laughing at their naivity and how delusional they are. Let's take away your Western pay packet and passport then we'll see if they still want you!
We filipinas are not F R I G I D, ..we love left overs(if that's how you call it),and we look after our ''man'' properly and in return we get whatever we want...smart eh

oh btw melly,have u been hurt badly? '' skanks '' is all over the world,..I hope you are not one of them??