Quote Originally Posted by melly666 View Post
The Western women just laugh at these men because they are the Western women rejects,WE DON'T WANT YOU. 99% of them are just aging,sexist, ugly men and are complete losers. We kill ourselves laughing at their naivity and how delusional they are. Let's take away your Western pay packet and passport then we'll see if they still want you!
oh i was heartbroken for a few minutes. in fact i didnt know which part of your statement to deal with first, so i asked my wife about british passport, to which she replied "remember when you were in saudi and i said i was happy to come there and be with you and have the tough life you described to me"

next i asked her on a scale of 1-10 how ugly i was, she said is 10 the most ugly? i said yes, well darling, your 11 was her answer.

oh well, a hug made things better, i was looking for reasurrance so asked her to look at another 100 guys from this sites pictures, i wanted to know i was in the remaining 1% and not the majority 99%, more sadness, no im not.... oh well again, i guess im lucky, shes blind.

But seriously, you quote you western women, i guess that means all your friends? maybe both of them!!

at 45 yr old, single, spending time in asia i would love to hear your reasons for being there.

i do have some advice though "if your so judgemental, blinkered and bitter with society and in particular guys, then i suggest a little counselling, perhaps try to get out the house a little more and maybe even chat to some more people.Alternatively...... stick around, your views are hugely entertaining