Quote Originally Posted by melly666 View Post
You're being taken for a ride mate! This is soooo obvious. I am a British woman and go over to Asia a lot. These Asian women are taking the Western men for a ride the whole time but it serves them right for being this stupid(sorry but this includes yourself as well). They're only after money and a passport,and even if you did get in to the country I will put my life on it she will leave as soon as she's 'safe' with a passport or legal documents then up and run. It happens all the time. They even extended Westerns and Cambodians for instance having to be married for 10 years before they would allow the Asian partner to even visit because this is an on-going problem. Just get rid of her and promise you will send her no more money. You can also be sure she's giving a few Western men the same run around. The Western women in Asia just laugh at how gullable these Western men are. Do yourself and your kids a favour PLEASE. Good luck...sorry but I'm the sort of person who gets straight to the point!
Interesting reply and as a British Expat living in the Philippines and have also lived in Hong Kong and other international locations there is something Western Women forget. Many of the guys who go overseas wouldn't look at a Western woman twice after being here.. Taken for a ride are you having a laugh?? In the UK its called Child support or divorce, I actually advise many of my friends to uproots and come out to Asia as they have pretty much been robbed blind by the British legal system in divorce settlements. Now what I will say in your defence is that there are a lot of scammers online and professional scammers in person but you can weed a lot of them out easily. Regarding the original post on here (seems miles off topic now) the issue is at what status is the relationship if the woman is seeing a second guy and offering up excuses I would just say walk away simple as that there is no dispute the guy has the advantage that he has no other connection than emotional.

In response to the original poster how is the relationship? if you don't feel comfortable don't send any money that is also a sure sign of how the relationship is either going to make or break if your serious about keeping the connection. If shes went with this other guy without your concent (if you do have an agreed relationship) I wouldn't carry on the relationship. I live in Cebu and you can see different types of girls and the troubles some bring I also own an internet cafe and watch girls fishing for foreigners. Not all are bad mind most actually just want out of the life they have here which also takes me to another thing "status" in society as many of the lower class girls lack any real guidance well positive guidance which not only makes them more likely to scam due to the money issues they have but also the fact they couldnt careless how much it affects you.