what a fantastic year so far, started jan 1st in manila with emma and then onto borocay for a few weeks to know each other more.
I knew i wanted to be with Emma the rest of my life, but after seeing her family and friends and of course where she lives it just made things right, having the time alone we just gelled into each other and soon the weeks was over and time to come back home.
There was only 1 regret when leaving Emma at the airport i did not say to her i love you , and i wanted to so much but was afraid too, silly i know but i have explained to Emma why.
Back home and wow, was it a dream, i did miss her and we started our plans and future together.
i joined the forum and things really started to happen with lots of help and advice, we applied for the fiancee visa filling all the papers in and seaking advice from the forum, its those forms that when you fill them in you know you are right but with such importance you have to ask silly questions hoping to be reasured mainly.
The cost sorted and the forms sent what Emma wanted and then it was down to her, well worry worry and more worry , yes its great when lots of advice was dont worry it will be fine and yes it turned out that way too, anyway july 29th Emma landed at mcr and again worry , what a great life i have had this year just have to say that.
We had our plans if we was happy then marry and aply for the flr by jan but look at us its not november we are married and the flr is booked for november the 5th so lots of fireworks that night we are hoping , something Emma saying about a big rocket she is having, hope we are both on the same wave lenth
And look at us now happy in love and new very good friends what more could we ask , and look over 2000 post too , i have had lots of good advice from the forum lots of help and great new friends , i hope i have given good advice and help to a few or many and made a few laugh over this short time, as myself and Emma has said we intend to be here for a very long time helping if we can and just giving someone hope,
Long live the family
your friends
Steve and Emma x