wow just looking at my insurance , personal, home, car so many policies, do we need all that stuff, just trying to work out if i can cut some down , personal insurance i thought i was fit till you read what they say is covered and what is not and they say they will not pay a claim if it arises multiply scierosis, i did challenge my doctor about that and he come back with this cock and bull story saying we all have it and it may happen it may not, sorry Alan if that was right,
Anyway back to the thread i pay over £46 a month for that policy and then there is critical insurance to pay the mortgage if as they say the dead sea parts while i am walking through it and suddenly it starts to come back over me, well it sounds just as bad and i an sure when they are saying al this to you the grim reaper is standing behind me,anyway thats another £36+ a month, the question i am asking do we need all this cost yes we all will die and yes we can lose our work and yes bad things happen but over £80 a month is it worth it, plus remember i may have to insure Emma too