wow! thank you very very much for the info. i have been busy these past couple of days and i haven't had time to read and search that much so i am so glad that this site is full of people who are so helpful. Again thank you terpe and joebloggs.
now i know i can apply for the spouse visa while hubby is still away. our gorgeous daughter at the moment still have the old Philippine passport but I have inquired at the British embassy and was told she is eligible for a British passport since her daddy is British and we have been married since 2006. And that gives us four years of married life.
But please do help me clarify my head about the ILE subject to KOL. How do I apply for it? do i apply for it here or when i get to England? Sorry, I have no idea about the ILE..or is there any chance you can give me a link please about this so I can read more. Thank you so much.