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Thread: 'British go to hell': Public gallery erupts as Muslim would be killer jailed

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    'British go to hell': Public gallery erupts as Muslim would be killer jailed

    A courtroom erupted in protest today after a student who tried to murder a Labour MP was jailed for life with a minimum term of 15 years.

    Roshonara Choudhry, 21, stabbed Stephen Timms twice in the stomach after being inspired by a radical Al Qaeda cleric linked to the air cargo bomb plot.

    Her attack on the former Treasury minister is thought to be the first Al Qaeda-inspired attempt to assassinate a politician on British soil.

    After the sentence was passed, a group of men began shouting in the public gallery 'Allahu akbar' ('God is great'), 'British go to hell' and 'Curse the judge'. A demonstration was also taking place outside the court.

    Read more:

    Should we be surprised that no arrests were made for contempt of court ?

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    she was not in court yesterday because she refused saying she didn't recognise the jurisdiction of the court. they should have handcuffed her and carried her to court.

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Well she's got 15 years to not recognise it
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    the great brittish law just like anyother crap factor thats comes here and throws the voice louder then anyone , they seem to have the best off everything , if this country is so crap for them to be here , well piss of back to there so called home land and see what they get there, free this free that and i bet most of them are on some sort of support too

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Well she's got 15 years to not recognise it
    If only it were 15 yrs, more like 6 or 7 after time off for good behaviour and everything else they get to commute their sentences.

    Had this been a British person committing the same crime in a Muslim country, I don't think the Death penalty would have been spared. As Steve W said, they don't have to come and live here, and if this country is so bad, they are welcome to leave and go back to a country with no welfare state, where there is no freedom of speach, no automatic right to justice and a fair trial and Islamic/Sharia Law will see them stoned to death for the smallest breach of law.

  6. #6
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Agreed steve, Its the same old story, people come over here to use and abuse this countries slack policies and benifit structures and then kick off at the slightest signs of abuse (in their eyes) of their human rights. THe fact that they're here for a better quality of life, 9 times out of 10 sponging off the state tends to slip their tiny minds when they brought to rights over something.

    Its going to take many years to reverse the open door policies that where installed by labour that result in these crimes. We should run a points scheme as countries like New zealand, Oz, canada etc employ. Only come here if you meet the critirea and intend to work. Not sit around all day thinking up ways to undermine the country and system that you have come to live in. NUmpties.

    Sorry seemed to have ranted off at a slight tangent there folks, Stu's a little tired!!!
    It's been emontional

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    no mate we are all tired of these so called fanatics , let them blow themselves up and there familes too, stupid teatowel heads half of them

  8. #8
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    I agree.

    Allowing such numbers of muslims into OUR country will prove to have been the biggest mistake ever to have been made (by successive govts) since the 1960s.

    Totally different cultures and history, different religion and loyalties, different dress and appearance, virtually zero assimilation into existing society = future major conflicts guaranteed.


  9. #9
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    "future major conflicts" everywhere would be significantly reduced by resolving the Palestinian problem.
    Racism and Xenophobia are not beneficial in the search for a solution to find more peace on Earth.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Well she's got 15 years to not recognise it
    i think it was King John in 1215AD who established the notion that no one in England – not even the monarch – was above the law

  11. #11
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    Peace on earth ?

    I live in the REAL world.

    AVOIDING conflict is the best way to minimise the chances of it occurring in the first place.

    Let the Palestinians and Israelis sort out their own problems. Maybe they need to pray more to that great referee in the sky...and observe his teachings. Blinkin hypocrites.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    "future major conflicts" everywhere would be significantly reduced by resolving the Palestinian problem.
    Racism and Xenophobia are not beneficial in the search for a solution to find more peace on Earth.
    I'm not sure that is the case. The Israeli state was only created during the mid 1900's. It's true that some of the anger of these militants is directed at the west for supporting Israel, but it is not the whole story. It doesn't explain the deep seated hatred between Muslim's and Hindu's or Budhists. Al Quaeda will attack Indian targets just as readily as they will attack a western target. This is nothing to do with India supporting Israel or the West. Throughout history there has been many major conflicts between Muslim armies and other religions. I've been to India many times and heard many stories of attrocities committed by Muslims against Hindu's, Seikh's and Christian's. During the 15th and 16th centuries the Moghul Emperors sacked much of Southern India around the centre of the Vijayanagar Kingdom. Thousands of years of Hindu temples and statues were destroyed and defiled at Hampi.
    The Modern Islamic militants can be traced back to a Kashmiri militant who was around in 1880, and who inspired the Algerian and Yemeni revival of Islamic militancy.
    I don't agree with the West (paricularly the US') support for Israel, but don't for one minute think that solving the Palestinian problem will make all of this go away. Al Quaeda's goal is to create an islamic state stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific (Portugal to the Philippines), and they would still strive for this even if a Palestinian state were created today.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Peace on earth ?

    I live in the REAL world.

    AVOIDING conflict is the best way to minimise the chances of it occurring in the first place.

    Let the Palestinians and Israelis sort out their own problems. Maybe they need to pray more to that great referee in the sky...and observe his teachings. Blinkin hypocrites.
    Ever asked yourself why the trade towers came down?
    Ever asked yourself why the 7/7 bombings took place?
    Want more of the same?

    There are solutions to "AVOIDING conflict", I feel you are blinkered and NOT living in the "REAL world"

    The USA needs to stop implementing it's veto in the UN and not be influenced by the Jewish lobby in their midst.

    "Pray more to that great referee in the sky...and observe his teachings. Blinkin hypocrites"
    Dear me, yes, this really is going to help...............

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I'm not sure that is the case. The Israeli state was only created during the mid 1900's. It's true that some of the anger of these militants is directed at the west for supporting Israel, but it is not the whole story. It doesn't explain the deep seated hatred between Muslim's and Hindu's or Budhists. Al Quaeda will attack Indian targets just as readily as they will attack a western target. This is nothing to do with India supporting Israel or the West. Throughout history there has been many major conflicts between Muslim armies and other religions. I've been to India many times and heard many stories of attrocities committed by Muslims against Hindu's, Seikh's and Christian's. During the 15th and 16th centuries the Moghul Emperors sacked much of Southern India around the centre of the Vijayanagar Kingdom. Thousands of years of Hindu temples and statues were destroyed and defiled at Hampi.
    The Modern Islamic militants can be traced back to a Kashmiri militant who was around in 1880, and who inspired the Algerian and Yemeni revival of Islamic militancy.
    I don't agree with the West (paricularly the US') support for Israel, but don't for one minute think that solving the Palestinian problem will make all of this go away. Al Quaeda's goal is to create an islamic state stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific (Portugal to the Philippines), and they would still strive for this even if a Palestinian state were created today.
    A great reply, well done.
    I have chatted a lot to UK and US Muslims and they all point the finger at the treatment of the Palestinians.
    Yes, there are other religious clashes (possibly motivated also by money) but I feel the Palestinian problem is the thorn in many sides.

  15. #15
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    Thanks Aposhark
    Like everyone, I want a peaceful world, I'm tolerant of other races, religions and cultures I don't understand. I have spent much of my adult life travelling and learning about other cultures, I don't think that Western culture and business tactics are necessarily the best way forward. However, there will always be conflict in the world. Throughout history there have been leaders who have created empires and tried to impose their ideals on other nations. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Venetians, Ottomans, Mongols, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, French, British, German, US, Russian...etc. There will be many more empires in the next 3000 years.
    When a strange nation overpowers another there will always be resentment and hatred. We hear about the Islamic dislike of the west because we have a vested interest. The truth is, thess militants despise other nations too. The Russians, Chinese and Indians all have their own problems with Islamic militants, there are ongoing conflicts in Nigeria, the Sudan, Somalia and Kenya between Islamic and Christian factions. Long after the Western Empire has fallen to the East, there will still be problems between islamics and other religions. All other religions are tollerant of others and are generally happy to co-exist with them. For whatever reason, the Islamics will not integrate and tollerate and their laws and values are stuck in the 7th or 8th Century.

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    Like you, I travelled for many years.
    In my experiences, I only met a few religious people who were tolerant, almost all I met were intolerant.
    IMO, religion is far from tolerant, one of the reasons that made me an atheist.

    I think that injustice towards the Muslim world over centuries has built up this pressure cooker that exists.

    Brave decisions are needed to release pressure.

  17. #17
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    I too am an atheist, and I don't have to use religion as an excuse for murdering people....Jewish, Muslim or any other religion

    I have also lived and worked in many countries, and worked with Muslims too.

    Write to the President of America if you want to help solve the Palestinian problem.

    The bombing of innocent people by lunatics who also believe in the stoning of adulterers and treating women as chattels is not going to attract much sympathy in the 21st century.

    I am against our forces being involved in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and I'm against our govt. being the pet Poodle of America.

    Of course the Muslim extremists have their reasons for their hatred. I know that. I'm not an imbecile.

    Keep them out of my country is all I'm asking.

  18. #18
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Oo'er ... I [fear] I know where this thread is heading ...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I have chatted a lot to UK and US Muslims and they all point the finger at the treatment of the Palestinians.
    kinda strange chatting to muslims when your a atheists
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    kinda strange chatting to muslims when your a atheists
    Why would that be ?

  21. #21
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    I fully agree with you Graham


    Aposhark can wear his 1960's head like Che Guevara T Shirt, wring his hands and hug as many trees as he likes but these vile germs are now fully established within the UK mainly due to the complacency and acquiescence of the last limp wristed, failed government

    I hope he can safely use his Oyster Card for many years to come travelling on the London Underground whilst he contemplates the activities of Moro National Liberation Front, ETA, IRA, Al-Qaeda etc

  22. #22
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Why would that be ?
    wouldnt you prefer to talk to like minded people and avoid the religious topic?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    wouldnt you prefer to talk to like minded people and avoid the religious topic?
    Not really.

    I'm always happy to listen to another point of view. (Usually the religious people aren't quite so accommodating of course ).

    I didn't decide to be an atheist because of my lack of religious knowledge...on the contrary.

    In fact RE was one of my best subjects at school, until the age of 16 I attended church every Sunday, and my grandfather was a Methodist Minister.

    At some point in life you have to decide whether you're going to go along with the brain-washing or consider the subject objectively, and then draw your own conclusions. That's what I did.

  24. #24
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    we are all free to do what we want , i think, talk to who we want to listen to what we want and voice our opiniun too , no one has to listen, thats what this furum is about helping others mainly having new friends and just general chat so before someone throws out there lolly we all want the best and i am for one dont know whos who and what the hell they are fighting for , call me ignorant but when someone shouts down with the brittish and they are living here and are being supported here too , then someone shouts death and kills so many in the name of god well i some how think that is wrong too, but hey who am i to know what is right and wrong , just a simple life i want

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    If only it were 15 yrs, more like 6 or 7 after time off for good behaviour and everything else they get to commute their sentences.
    MINIMUM of 15 years.... so she may be in longer if still considered a risk.
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    MINIMUM of 15 years.... so she may be in longer if still considered a risk.
    That is until the Civil Liberty's Loonies like Liberty and Amnesty get involved

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Not really.

    I'm always happy to listen to another point of view. (Usually the religious people aren't quite so accommodating of course ).

    I didn't decide to be an atheist because of my lack of religious knowledge...on the contrary.

    In fact RE was one of my best subjects at school, until the age of 16 I attended church every Sunday, and my grandfather was a Methodist Minister.

    At some point in life you have to decide whether you're going to go along with the brain-washing or consider the subject objectively, and then draw your own conclusions. That's what I did.
    Very similar to my up bringing and beliefs Graham.
    Most religions in their basic form promote tollerance and peace. Unfortunately power crazy individuals twist a religion to suit their own desires for oppressing others and a feeling of supremacy.

    I really don't care what others believe in, I'm happy to listen to their point of view as long as they don't think think they are somehow superior to me or try to force me to accept their view. I believe what I believe but I would never force or expect anyone else to believe what I believe. The far right Christian Fundamentalists, and various sects or cults that are huge money making machines and political lobbies in the US wind me up just as much as the Muslim extremists.

    The extremist Islamic preachers annoy me intensely, not because of their belief, but because of the fact they preach hatred against the west but they are still happy to live in the west and milk the system.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    .......Keep them out of my country is all I'm asking.
    It's too late for that.

    Graham, you must know that there are hundreds of thousands of British-born muslims in the UK?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    kinda strange chatting to muslims when your a atheists
    Why is it strange?

    I talk to my father who is a Christian

    I have always talked with religious people, just because you have opposing views doesn't stop dialogue.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I fully agree with you Graham


    Aposhark can wear his 1960's head like Che Guevara T Shirt, wring his hands and hug as many trees as he likes but these vile germs are now fully established within the UK mainly due to the complacency and acquiescence of the last limp wristed, failed government

    I hope he can safely use his Oyster Card for many years to come travelling on the London Underground whilst he contemplates the activities of Moro National Liberation Front, ETA, IRA, Al-Qaeda etc
    Dedworth can wear his angry mask on all the time and live in fear. I don't.

    I see so many angry rascists in our country, they fuel the fire and are always trying to blame others.

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