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Thread: 'British go to hell': Public gallery erupts as Muslim would be killer jailed

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    It's too late for that.

    Graham, you must know that there are hundreds of thousands of British-born muslims in the UK?
    ....and more arriving every day.

    We can stop them.

    We can also deport those who are here illegally or are 'visiting'. That will keep the UK Border Agency busy.

    Remember the police officer shot dead in the Bradford bank robbery ?
    Illegal immigrant (Somali I think). Many more cases like that.
    It would never have happened in the first place if the authorities were allowed to do their job properly, and to carry out the will of the majority population.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Dedworth can wear his angry mask on all the time and live in fear. I don't.

    I see so many angry rascists in our country, they fuel the fire and are always trying to blame others.
    Ah but steady on there.

    A lot of people cry racism, but this merely clouds the issue and stifles debate.

    I see my approach as PRAGMATIC not racist, especially when religion is being discussed, where race is purely co-incidental to one's faith, and can be very variable.

    My own son is mixed race, and I married an Asian, and I have 2 Asian step-children.

    Let's not forget that.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    ....and more arriving every day.

    We can stop them.

    We can also deport those who are here illegally or are 'visiting'. That will keep the UK Border Agency busy.

    Remember the police officer shot dead in the Bradford bank robbery ?
    Illegal immigrant (Somali I think). Many more cases like that.
    It would never have happened in the first place if the authorities were allowed to do their job properly, and to carry out the will of the majority population.
    Just for the sake of accuracy this Somali germ was a career criminal who despite convictions for robbery, affray etc avoided deportation back to Somalia because our limp wristed authorities considereed it to be a dangerous place. Thus he was allowed to remain at liberty here carrying on his criminal activies culminating in the murder of the WPC.

    After her killing he left the UK (fleeing to dangerous Somalia) disguised under a burkha - obviously not spotted by our politically correct authorities. A couple of years later the UK managed to have him kidnapped by some militia men and brought back here to face trial. A bullet in the back of his the head would have been a more cost effective solution.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    ....and more arriving every day.

    We can stop them.

    We can also deport those who are here illegally or are 'visiting'. That will keep the UK Border Agency busy.

    Remember the police officer shot dead in the Bradford bank robbery ?
    Illegal immigrant (Somali I think). Many more cases like that.
    It would never have happened in the first place if the authorities were allowed to do their job properly, and to carry out the will of the majority population.
    What about the other (non-muslim) evil people who maim and kill?
    Why single out immigrants?

    You cannot stop Muslims who are born here, these were behind the 7/7 bombings.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    What about the other (non-muslim) evil people who maim and kill?
    Why single out immigrants?

    You cannot stop Muslims who are born here, these were behind the 7/7 bombings.
    I don't think we are disagreeing on this.

    What I am suggesting is exercising control over those who we are still able to do something about. (Consider those who tried to bomb/set fire to Prestwick for instance).

    We don't need any more.

    There are a hell of a lot of troublemakers in this country not born here, but granted citizenship. Take it away from them and then deport them.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Ah but steady on there.

    A lot of people cry racism, but this merely clouds the issue and stifles debate.

    I see my approach as PRAGMATIC not racist, especially when religion is being discussed, where race is purely co-incidental to one's faith, and can be very variable.

    My own son is mixed race, and I married an Asian, and I have 2 Asian step-children.

    Let's not forget that.
    Like you, my child is mixed race.
    I would rather religion and racism never existed.

    Why do so many people jump on the anti-muslim bandwagon because some are bad?
    They conveniently forget that MOST BRITISH muslims are moderate and law-abiding

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Ah but steady on there.

    A lot of people cry racism, but this merely clouds the issue and stifles debate.

    I see my approach as PRAGMATIC not racist, especially when religion is being discussed, where race is purely co-incidental to one's faith, and can be very variable.

    My own son is mixed race, and I married an Asian, and I have 2 Asian step-children.

    Let's not forget that.
    Use of the racist jibe is the standard labour response to any criticism of the multicultural dungheap they turned this country into, uncontrolled immigration and asylum, foreign criminals/lawbreakers etc etc.

    When valid points are raised in a subject like this or the other thread running concerning Roma criminality - the racist accusation is the only response folk like Aposhark are capable of.

    Ironic that during the dying months of the last failed Labour government their poliburo deemed criticism of immigration, asylum seeker housing etc to be no longer "racist" or politically incorrect. A worthless gesture that was too late to save them.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    .....When valid points are raised in a subject like this or the other thread running concerning Roma criminality - the racist accusation is the only response folk like Aposhark are capable of.
    That's because, to me, most of your posts seem racist
    Why do you forget that most British born Muslims are moderate?

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Like you, my child is mixed race.
    I would rather religion and racism never existed.

    Why do so many people jump on the anti-muslim bandwagon because some are bad?
    They conveniently forget that MOST BRITISH muslims are moderate and law-abiding
    That's because those people are ignorant fools.

    I am targetting my anger at those who are threatening the majority, whatever their religion or race may be.

    I do also believe we were mistaken in allowing so many people from an alien faith and culture to settle in this country, knowing that eventually human nature will prevail.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    That's because, to me, most of your posts seem racist
    Why do you forget that most British born Muslims are moderate?
    So where have I mentioned moderate British born Muslims ? If I recall correctly my posts have covered extremists and terrorists of the muslim variety who happen to be the biggest threat to the western world in 2010.

    I also get angry about this countrys soft stance on criminals and spongers of any race, creed or colour. We have plenty enough of our own so allowing untold more in both legal and illegal only pours oil on the fire.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    So where have I mentioned moderate British born Muslims ? If I recall correctly my posts have covered extremists and terrorists of the muslim variety who happen to be the biggest threat to the western world in 2010.

    I also get angry about this countrys soft stance on criminals and spongers of any race, creed or colour. We have plenty enough of our own so allowing untold more in both legal and illegal only pours oil on the fire.
    This is exactly my point.
    You never mention the majority of law-abiding British citizens who are Muslim; you only concentrate on the "criminals and spongers" who are Muslim.

    The biggest threat to the western world is not muslims.
    It is, in my opinion, the west's deplorable treatment of muslims, hence why we are getting this backlash.

    For too many years, Muslim mothers have buried their children.
    I can't imagine your anger would be one drop in the ocean compared to the pain and suffering of Muslim mothers.

  12. #42
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    Part of the plan by those who are Muslim who wish to incite problems is to rub those who are non Muslim up the wrong way and start taking it out on all Muslims..

    Its the old siege mentality seems to work up norf where from what i gather the different groups rarely mix but down south where the groups are more intermixed its fizzled out mostly from what i seen.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    This is exactly my point.
    You never mention the majority of law-abiding British citizens who are Muslim; you only concentrate on the "criminals and spongers" who are Muslim.

    The biggest threat to the western world is not muslims.
    It is, in my opinion, the west's deplorable treatment of muslims, hence why we are getting this backlash.

    For too many years, Muslim mothers have buried their children.
    I can't imagine your anger would be one drop in the ocean compared to the pain and suffering of Muslim mothers.
    Why would I have cause to mention law abiding Brits and legal immigrants be they Muslim or any other religion ? Any discussion of muslim or foreigner crims and scroungers obviously touches a raw nerve with you.

    I can only assume that by reacting in the way that you do to the slightest mention of the I or M word that you are some kind of extreme Islamophile.

    Anyway take note of this

    Dedworth has no issues with the indigenous population or legal immigrants/visitors/spouses of whatever race, creed or colour as long as they are not criminals and scroungers.

  14. #44
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    You do not read replies.

    I think you must not be enjoying your life in the UK.

    It is a multi-cultural society, embrace it because it is what you and all of us have.

    It must make your skin crawl, it is obvious that it does from all of your posts highlighting scandal.

    If you don't like it, then maybe another country would suit you better.

    On the other hand, wherever you go you will have the same issues I fear.

  15. #45
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Ever asked yourself why the trade towers came down?
    Ever asked yourself why the 7/7 bombings took place?
    Want more of the same?

    There are solutions to "AVOIDING conflict", I feel you are blinkered and NOT living in the "REAL world"

    The USA needs to stop implementing it's veto in the UN and not be influenced by the Jewish lobby in their midst.

    "Pray more to that great referee in the sky...and observe his teachings. Blinkin hypocrites"
    Dear me, yes, this really is going to help...............
    Personally think the 9/11 and 7/7 where U.S security backed operations to ensure a budget for themselves. With the cold war ended a while ago these agencies need to find a new threat to ensure their continuing exsistance. I honestly believe that 9/11 was a CIA operation. THere are some very compelling programms being made on the subject. Look at the conection between the bush and bin laden families, the then vice president and connection to haliburton. It was all done to provide a new threat and therefore focus peoples attentions away from other problems at home. It is obviously a very complicated subject but at the end of the day you have to remeber that alot of what you know is fed to us from goverment depts / agencies here and abroad.
    It's been emontional

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Personally think the 9/11 and 7/7 where U.S security backed operations to ensure a budget for themselves. With the cold war ended a while ago these agencies need to find a new threat to ensure their continuing exsistance. I honestly believe that 9/11 was a CIA operation. THere are some very compelling programms being made on the subject. Look at the conection between the bush and bin laden families, the then vice president and connection to haliburton. It was all done to provide a new threat and therefore focus peoples attentions away from other problems at home. It is obviously a very complicated subject but at the end of the day you have to remeber that alot of what you know is fed to us from goverment depts / agencies here and abroad.
    I don't buy any of these conspiracy theories.

  17. #47
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    Lucky the plane aimed at the White House didn't find its target then, or the one flown into the Pentagon wasn't even better aimed.

    What utter tosh.

    Conspiracy theorists (Kennedy,Moon Landing,etc) seem to have too much time on their hands OR of course are merely pursuing their own agenda.

  18. #48
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I've decided to become a Muslim on Friday..... Pagan on Saturday.... Jehovah on Monday.... etc...etc.... I'll then pick the best, otherwise I'll make my own up as I go
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #49
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i am just me plus i have to think off Emma too, so if i am happy Emma is and visa versa, so really chaps i dont give a toss , be happy in yourself and the worls smiles too,

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I've decided to become a Muslim on Friday..... Pagan on Saturday.... Jehovah on Monday.... etc...etc.... I'll then pick the best, otherwise I'll make my own up as I go
    And worst of all a scouser the rest of the time

  21. #51
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Where was the wrekage of the plane that hit the pentagon? There was a few small pieces that could be moved by hand, where was the rest of it? THe authorities say it burned up, now that is pish. THe temparature required to vapourise aluminium, titanium etc is incedably high. THere was just no evidence that there was a passenger jet that hit the building and vapourised in a ball of flames that then didn't really cause that much damage to the surrounding ground or building.

    How about building 7 that caught fire and collapsed that was something like 3 blocks away from the twin towers. No plane hit that but authorities say it was caused by burning debris from the twin towers!! COME ON!!! Amazing that it was the only surrounding building that was destroyed in the immediate area, and it housed the finacial records. V strange.

    We'll also ignore the demolition like cuts found in the foudations of the twin towers that are the same as using an explosive the cut steel girders.

    Anyway it's MY belief that it was all organised by agencies to provide a new threat for them to work to. Remember that bin laden was financed and trianed by the yanks for their own ends.

    THe other thing is that if you travel and or live in another country that you've gone to by CHOICE, you should respect that countries people, community, beliefs etc. Obviously its only human nature to try to mix with people of your own ilk, but its another thing when you then try to enforce your views / beliefs on those around you. And to be fair you must remember that brits did their fair of this back in the colonial days insiting their own degree of hatered.

    It's all about tolerence
    It's been emontional

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I've decided to become a Muslim on Friday..... Pagan on Saturday.... Jehovah on Monday.... etc...etc.... I'll then pick the best, otherwise I'll make my own up as I go
    Don't forget:

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    You do not read replies.
    I do

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I think you must not be enjoying your life in the UK.
    I used to enjoy it more before the place started to resemble a cesspit

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    It is a multi-cultural society, embrace it because it is what you and all of us have.
    I and millions of others had no choice, it was imposed on us by the last Labour Govt as a way of ensuring millions of future votes for them (the result of throwing the gates open to uncontrolled mass immigration)

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    It must make your skin crawl, it is obvious that it does from all of your posts highlighting scandal.
    A lot of things make my skin crawl particularly your tear jerking comments about the "suffering" of Muslim Mothers. What's your take on the Holocaust ? A walk in the park for the Jews ?

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    If you don't like it, then maybe another country would suit you better.
    I was born here and don't believe I should be forced out by an inept government who let in a tidal wave of dross. I suspect you'd feel more comfortable in somewhere like Jeddah you could look forward to a visit to chop square after Friday prayers then spend the afternoon in some madrassa listening to them teaching hate and intolerance of civilised western society.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    On the other hand, wherever you go you will have the same issues I fear.
    I doubt it. Most other countries have a better control of their borders, do not accept bogus asylum seekers and deal quickly and firmly with any illegals.

  24. #54
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    why is apo so concerned with muslims all of a sudden, i didnt think you liked any regilion

    btw the CIA caused 9/11 , as anyone watched the new series "the event"
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  25. #55
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    Go and hug a muslim dedworth, that'll make you feel good, not in Jeddah though - it's a bit hot there, try Reading.
    Have a curry while you're at it - it is the main British meal now muttley.gif

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    why is apo so concerned with muslims all of a sudden, i didnt think you liked any regilion

    btw the CIA caused 9/11 , as anyone watched the new series "the event"
    I worked in many muslim countries, as well as christian ones (and time in Israel too).
    The issue here is people like dedworth who singles out bad elements in the muslim population of the UK.

    I hardly watch TV thankfully, it is never accurate and is getting worse.

  27. #57
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    c'mon guys, its not a quiz about race and religion

    if u read the cross examination:

    Question:  So when did you decide: ‘From what I’ve learnt, I’m now gonna go and stab Stephen Timms?’
    Choudhry: A couple of weeks ago. It’s three weeks ago, four weeks ago.
    Question: How do you feel now about what you’ve done today?
    Choudhry: I feel like I did what I’d planned to do.

    **She planned to kill Timms on purpose,...there are ways to kill someone legally(killing someone in defense,killing an enemy in time of war,euthanasia,executing death sentence) but she failed in any of this and she just received the proper verdict**
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  28. #58
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    Radical website publishes MP 'death list'

  29. #59
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Where was the wrekage of the plane that hit the pentagon?
    I think you need a basic lesson in physics and engineering...... planes are only made of aluminium mostly.... so hitting a solid object at over 500mph obliterates it..... then the explosion which obliterates the shards.... the the fire destroys any other evidence as the melting point of aluminium (1200F'ish) is lower than the intense heat by the fuel burning. Remember, the burning fuel in the Twin Towers was hot enough to melt steel, about 2700F.
    Keith - Administrator

  30. #60
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I think you need a basic lesson in physics and engineering...... planes are only made of aluminium mostly.... so hitting a solid object at over 500mph obliterates it..... then the explosion which obliterates the shards.... the the fire destroys any other evidence as the melting point of aluminium (1200F'ish) is lower than the intense heat by the fuel burning. Remember, the burning fuel in the Twin Towers was hot enough to melt steel, about 2700F.
    You are correct in your opening sentence ..........there was no reason that the wings and engines of the plane couldnt have missed the walls completely thus accounting for the small hole and the jet fuel was hot enough to melt an ajacent building as well lets not forget building 7
    Absit invidia

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