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Thread: Fiance Visa Rules

  1. #1

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    Fiance Visa Rules

    Hello again!

    I have another question, If I apply for a fiance visa in New York (my relevant embassy) and then fly home to the Philippines to get married to my English fiance, will this cause any problem on entering the UK on a fiance visa (when I'm actaully a wife) and applying to convert to an FLR on arrival?

    Is the fiance visa specifically for people intending to marry in the UK only?

    If above is the case, can I get married a second time in the UK without any issues (i.e. reaffirmation of vows)?

    Alternatively, will the Home Office accept a Filipino marriage certificate as sufficient evidence to change visas?

    Of course, we can apply for a spouse visa in the Philippines, but from reading the other posts on this website, it sounds like that route is a far more complicated and time consuming process.

    Thanks again!


  2. #2
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvmanangan View Post
    I have another question, If I apply for a fiance visa in New York (my relevant embassy) and then fly home to the Philippines to get married to my English fiance, will this cause any problem on entering the UK on a fiance visa (when I'm actaully a wife) and applying to convert to an FLR on arrival?
    Don't play with immigration rules, it's difficult enough not to add a visa fraud.

    A Fiancé visa is ONLY to marry abroad in the country you apply for a Fiancé visa.
    You can apply for a Fiancé visa in New York if you have a resident status there (green card).

    So if you want to marry first in the Philippines, you have to apply in Manila for a Spouse visa after the marriage when you got the NSO marriage certificate (it take some weeks/months to be recorded there).

    Embassies are clever enough to check your real status thru Philippines administrations, getting denied for visa fraud (ie lying on your marital status) will give you a lot of problems after...
    Best regards.

  3. #3

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    Thank you for your advice.

    Sorry, but I don't think I made myself clear. I'm not suggesting fraud. I don't leave in the Philippines, I'm a resident in Bermuda and have been for 18 months. Bermuda has no UK Embassy, the relevant embassy for Bermuda as stated in the UK Embassy website is the UK embassy in New York. I am currently a fiance, why is applying for a fiance visa fraud?

    So I guess my question is, if I receive my fiance visa in March whilst still a resident in Bermuda (a British Overseas Terroitory), travel to the UK for a short holiday in April on my fiance visa (I already have a UK tourist visa from a previous trip to London) and then after a few months travelling in Europe (I already have a Schengen visa) on to the Philippines to get married, can I then I come back to the UK and then apply for a FLR based on my marriage in the Philippines? Or can I perform another marriage ceremony in a UK registery office to become eligable for a FLR?

    Of course I can wait it out in Philippines but obviosly I'd prefer not to be separted from my Husband straight after marrying (as I'm sure many people on this site can relate to...)


  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Why not get married in te uk and have a blessing in phill?

    Then you can seek finace visa in us/bemuda fly to uk marry then apply for flr. When possible fly to phill to have a blessing.

    You can only marry once either uk or phill, but nothing to stop you having blessing for the foilks in phill.

  5. #5

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    Thanks for the reply.

    Do you think it would work if we did a blessing first in Phils and then followed up with a civil marriage in the UK after?

    The reason for wanting to do it this way is that we would want to get married for the 1st time in church as this is the more important one for us (although not for the Home Office!) Is it feasible to get married in the Philippines without it becoming legally binding (ie religious ceremony only/blessing, just married in the eyes of God) then go the the UK and get married in the UK registry office then apply for FLR?

    Sorry for making things so complicated...

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvmanangan View Post
    Thanks for the reply.

    Do you think it would work if we did a blessing first in Phils and then followed up with a civil marriage in the UK after?

    The reason for wanting to do it this way is that we would want to get married for the 1st time in church as this is the more important one for us (although not for the Home Office!) Is it feasible to get married in the Philippines without it becoming legally binding (ie religious ceremony only/blessing, just married in the eyes of God) then go the the UK and get married in the UK registry office then apply for FLR?

    Sorry for making things so complicated...
    I guess so im no expert.

    When we married in phill we married in Town hall and then had a religous blessing at the reception. Which suited all parties best. I can see no reason why you can't do it the other way round.

    Speak to your Families church and find out, most priests will understand i would have thought and be happy that you want to be blessed by God but
    understand the world around you requires you to marry in the UK.

    Just make sure its clear to all parties what you are doing, even the ECOs im sure will understand why you would want to do it this way round if you make sure its explained.

    From what i know you have to show the ECO evidence of a booking for your wedding in the UK.

  7. #7
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvmanangan View Post
    Sorry, but I don't think I made myself clear. I'm not suggesting fraud. I don't leave in the Philippines, I'm a resident in Bermuda and have been for 18 months. Bermuda has no UK Embassy, the relevant embassy for Bermuda as stated in the UK Embassy website is the UK embassy in New York. I am currently a fiance, why is applying for a fiance visa fraud?
    Yes you were not clear enough as you do not explain your real situation for us to answer.

    A case of visa fraud is to request/use a fiance visa if you are already married and that's what you were suggesting.

    Remember also that a Fiancé visa is one entry only, so you can use it once only to enter UK (it's just to let you enter to marry there). If you go out of the country, you can't use it anymore.

    For your tourist visas (both UK one and Schengen one) verify first if they are single entry or multiple entry, and not expired (IE a Schengen tourist visa is only for short stay up to 3 months) before willing to use them.

    For your case, you should be able (if the Priest agree) to do a blessing in the Philippines if nothing is recorded there to avoid any problem in requesting from the UK Embassy a Fiance visa to enter UK and marry there later.
    Remember that Embassies do verifications in the Philippines to check the documents you submit.
    Best regards.

  8. #8
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    i guess all things are being cleared in said requirements in applying for settlement visa...doesnt matter your situation as long as you provide the neccessary documents either he visit/marry you in the philippines you are legally to marry each other...thats it...just provide the proper documents and send the application to british embassy...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by A_flyer View Post

    Remember also that a Fiancé visa is one entry only, so you can use it once only to enter UK (it's just to let you enter to marry there). If you go out of the country, you can't use it anymore.
    Are you sure about this?

    I have just been looking on the British Embassy in NYC and it states on the Fiance visa section "Entry clearance when issued is valid for a 6 month period (and you must marry within this period) and good for multiple entry."

    I do appreciate your help, but you really shouldn't state things as fact unless you are can cause unnecessary stress.

  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    My Wife entered on a spouse Visa which was multi entry.
    I have no idea on fiance visa, some of the ladies on this site entered on a Fiance Visa may know better.

    One thing you need to consider is if you wish to gain ilr and maybe citzenship in the UK or even just renew your visa you need to spend a particular amount of time in the UK (at least for the spouse visa).

    So Poping in to the UK and then spending most of the six months outside of the UK in either europe or the phillpines may affect your application for FLR/ILR.

    I would if i was you email the embassy explaiing your situation and asking for their answer.
    The visas regulations and laws in the UK are changing dramtically at the moment and i would make sure you have the latest information.
    Your situation is pretty unique so not many people on here would be able to tell you what can/would happen.

    Also beware when reading up on the situation as British embassies all it seems have differnt procedures and sucess rates for applicants.

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