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I was wondering why that flower like "poppy" on the BBC anchors when I watched the news. Also your PM and rest of people wearing ties and poppy. Now I understand why. It is symbolic and another form of heroic act of present day people by commemorating to the chaos that once happened to the world.
Just an opinion, with ongoing bomb threats and alerts around Europe. I think that it is good to wear it to remind everyone that terrorism should not be encouraged. For the people to be reminded that many died for the freedom that most people are having in these generation, for having a job to work on and keep our lifestyle and tummy filled.
For the idealism that was fought for many years back when our fore parents dreamily hoping for this and for us to breathe and live, the present generations to have this democracy.
Basically, by wearing it shows other people that they care and will have the same impact.
As for me, I am saddened because the new generations now doesn't even remember the idealism of Jose Rizal and how the it made Emilio Aguinaldo became the first president when infact it was Andres Bonificio who fought and acted for the Philippine's Indepence.
Just an opinion...