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Thread: Quantas

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Denbigh, United Kingdom
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    Yesterday an A380 blew an engine apart, and today a 747 had an engine problem, both planes returned to Changi in Singapore.

    You'd never catch me on one of those planes unless you caught me on one .... .....
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Sydney, Australia
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    I never worry about these things. I've flown with some of the worst airlines in Africa, Russia, Asia and South America and take my chances! When people have said, don't walk alone in that place, I've walked alone and got drunk with the locals (well ok, I did end up robbed in the Congo, and walked back in my boxer shorts...), and accept the risks that life throws at you.
    If you really spend your life worrying about these things, you'll miss out on the great opportunities.

    If the government had it's way, people would be turned into a nation scared to walk out of their door, and scared of terrorism at every corner, or being hit by a car, plane or space ship!

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Feb 2010
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    well said , i too take the road which i want to go not the one the rest take ,

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