It is that time of year again... a time when the Nation pays homage to those who lost their lives in two World Wars - and numerous more recent, albeit no less poignant, conflicts. In the midst of it all, Channel 4 newscaster, Jon Snow has now been castigated
by former Labour Cabinet Minister - turned freelance journalist - Roy [now, Lord] Hattersley for (it looks like) declining ... rather than refusing ... to wear a poppy when appearing before the cameras each weekday evening, lately.
Normally, I tend to tune into the Ten o'clock News on either BBC or ITV. But the *other evening I happened to watch the hour-long - and more in-depth - Bulletin on C4 and, to be honest,never even noticed the veteran presenter's apparent "lack of respect" for our 'fallen heroes and (in these days of political correctness) heroines' ... being more drawn to which of his famed multi-coloured ties he happened to be sporting on that particular *occasion.
It's fair to say, that none of us here (myselfincluded) are of an age to remember anything at all about the events that took place during the years between 1939 & 45. And neither, of course, is the 63-yr-old, Snow. So what do others think?
Is he being remiss?