Quote Originally Posted by Baliw99 View Post

Sorry for the long post, but it gives you a better idea on what has happened. Can anyone advise me on what to do, or how to try and salvage the relationship?

Thank you in advance.
Regardless of age, a girl that open her legs before her heart knows the consequence she will face in the future ...
if your gf thinks she wanna end her relationship with you then let it be ,we cannot force people to like or love us back..love is a wonderful feeling if it is reciprocated..

if you think its your baby that she is carrying arrange a talk about it, how u can support the baby even if your not together,if your not sure its your baby get a DNA test when you get back to the philippines,its hard to get a proof if its a hearsay(one thing for sure,your gf knows who's the father of her baby)

Goodluck to you!