Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
Thanks for posting that, I'm not sure that I actually understand what any of it means
By luck rather than judgement my personal and business e-mail is via GMail, although I do have a yahoo e-mail address for access to YM.
As far as FB goes, the only people who I suspect would be remotely interested in seeing who I chat to are my ex wife and ex girlfriend. I don't put any sensitive info on there anyway. Lets be honest, do you really want FB friends who you have never met or not seen for 30+ years really knowing all of your business and contact details? I don't so I don't put it on there.
TBH if someone really wants to hack into my FB and see photo's of my cars and holidays, good luck to them, but I could save them the trouble and e-mail them to them or add them as a friend if they asked me nicely
Very true but people do give a lot of clues about themsleves and their propety houses etc from their accounts. Plus if someone did take control of your site its the harm or offence they may cause others. What if your account was to fool or deceive another

Many people also have account details of other websites in emails often which could possibly give clues to a hacker..

I know due to the sheer amount of Young Pinoys in and around the wifes family who have added me as a friend I have a responosbility to ensure no one gains access to that account..

A workmate just came back from a beach holiday in a country deemed as third world and was about to use a open Wi FI signal instead of the paid hotel account but he thought while the wife was busy sorting out the suitcases he take a stroll outside on his phone he followed the signal turned out the open network was coming from a private house (more a shack) which seemed to have locals living in. Either they don't realise, happy to let huge hotels of people taking up their broadband or....