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Thread: Girl gives birth at the age of ten

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Girl gives birth at the age of ten

    No details of the girl’s name nor the sex of her child were released.
    However, she was said to be of Romanian origin and had arrived in the country while already pregnant.

    puts even scousers to shame

  2. #2
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    Roma - 'nuff said

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Roma - 'nuff said
    i thought that would get a reply from you, but not that quick

  4. #4
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    Let's not blame the girl, she's still a baby at 10. The blame lies with the pervert who put her in that position

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    a sad world we live in

  6. #6
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    bring back hanging for the scum who did this to a defenceless child

  7. #7
    Respected Member alanp's Avatar
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    Hanging is too good for the scum
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  8. #8
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i will use a condom next time
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  9. #9
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Here is an interesting thought,I was shocked like the rest of you at her age then I started thinking if it's so wrong why does mother nature give a girl the ability to have children from that age.

    Of course I'm against it but biologically her body was ready to give birth so as far as nature is concerened nothing is wrong,but it's us who judge and decide when it's right.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    Here is an interesting thought,I was shocked like the rest of you at her age then I started thinking if it's so wrong why does mother nature give a girl the ability to have children from that age.

    Of course I'm against it but biologically her body was ready to give birth so as far as nature is concerened nothing is wrong,but it's us who judge and decide when it's right.
    biologically she could probably pick onions in a field for hours a day since she was the age of 3 or 4 , it doesn't make child labour right thou

    John may know but i don't think there is a legal minimum age for looking after a minor?, but RoSPA and the NSPCC recommend that no one under 16 should be left to care for an infant.

    and emotionally could she look after a baby while playing with her barbie dolls

  11. #11
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=joebloggs;255259]biologically she could probably pick onions in a field for hours a day since she was the age of 3 or 4 , it doesn't make child labour right thou

    Thats a poor analogy joe,it's not biology making her do forced labour its adults,it wasen't an adult who got her pregnent it was a 13 year old.

    Once again i'm not condoning it but as keith says we used to die earlier and its probly genitic that natures allows children to bear children at a young age and it's society who decide whats right or wrong which in this case we agree, morally that doesen't mean we are right.

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=lestaxi1;255276] Thats a poor analogy joe,it's not biology making her do forced labour its adults,it wasen't an adult who got her pregnent it was a 13 year old.[QUOTE]

    maybe so, but my point was we have laws to stop abuse, i dont think any 10yr old is capable of looking after themselfs nevermind a baby , i know my 10yr old girl can't

    and in some countries young teenage girls are 'forced' into marrying men old enough to be their grandfathers

    but your right thats a different matter

  13. #13
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Girl gives birth at the age of ten

    not a 'new' news to me...mostly youngest birth mothers are 'incest cases'

    Lina Medina (5 years, 7 months, 21 days)
    Entering precocious puberty at the age of 5; Medina gave birth to a 2.0 kg (4.4 lb) son, named Gerardo, by caesarean section on May 14, 1939 in Lima. Her parents, who assumed their daughter had a tumor, took her to a hospital, where she was determined to be seven months pregnant. Although Medina's father was arrested on suspicion of child sexual abuse, he was later released due to lack of evidence, and the identity of who impregnated Medina was never uncovered.[1][2]

    6-year old girl Liza gave birth naturally in 1934 in Ukraine after being impregnated by her grandfather. Baby was stillborn.[3]
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  14. #14
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    I'm not shocked they are Roma aka Scum of The Earth, criminality, child abuse, lack of morals is a way of life to them. We allow them to thieve and run wild in our country

    Roma children 'fund gangster luxury'

    A three-year-old was badly bruised and had suffered facial injuries. Other children had burns on their bodies. A girl, aged just 12, was found to be pregnant.

    The 28 children rescued during Metropolitan Police raids on Ilford, east London, presented a truly pitiable sight.

    But the youngsters, believed to have been forced into a gang of beggars and pickpockets, can generate £100,000 annually from their activities, according to the police.

    And virtually all of the proceeds make their way back to southern Romania - to towns where huge houses have sprung up and prestige cars line the streets.

    The NSPCC's John Cameron said: "Unscrupulous traffickers control and terrorise vulnerable children within the UK.

    "When the police find these children, they need to provide immediate protection to help them overcome their ordeal."

    But how do such youngsters fall into the hands of organised criminals?

    "One of the biggest challenges for people in poverty is how to get out of it," explained Supt Bernie Gravett of the Metropolitan Police, who led Tuesday's raids.

    "Some people fall for false promises their children will be make money overseas. Sadly other parents are complicit.

    "Then we find these children on the streets of the UK being forced to beg and steal."

    Other Romanian parents find themselves bonded by debt, their offspring forced into criminality on the other side of Europe to pay the dues.

    Supt Gravett explained: "Gangs approach poor families. They are told their children will be taken abroad but they will receive money in return.

    "However the gangs charge for transportation. The gang agree to pay initially but charge extremely high interest rates on the loan."

    The Met says it often sees one youngster getting arrested, shortly to be followed by another sibling and eventually an entire family.

    They may be beggars - but the sums they can generate are astronomical.

    Supt Gravett said: "Some children earn £300 a day. The gangs value one child at £100,000 a year."

    Astonishingly, the most high-performing children are often sold between gangs in the manner of Premiership footballers.

    Christine Beddoe, director of children's rights charity Ecpat UK, said: "That is exactly what it is like.

    "If they are good, the children are traded between gangs.

    "It is like the Faganism of children trained to be pickpockets in the 19th Century."

    Romanian police estimate 1,000 children have been trafficked from the country in recent years, with about 180 in the UK.

    But while the children are kept poor, the criminals exploiting them build lavish mansions on the proceeds.

    Ms Beddoe has visited Tandarei, the Romanian village where gangs allegedly linked to Tuesday's raids are based.

    She said: "Tandarei is relatively small and impoverished. But the criminals have lives of luxury.

    "There is a juxtaposition between the villagers living in shanty town huts with unmade roads and horse-drawn carriages. They live as if it was hundreds of years ago.

    "Then you have criminals in Gypsy palaces; you see high-value cars, many with British number-plates."

    Supt Gravett, who visited in April to help the Romanian police target the ringleaders, said: "The latest house being built is for half a million euros.

    "Some have 14 bedrooms and they are status symbols.

    "It is a show of wealth - they want poor people to think, 'If I send my children abroad I could live in a place like this'."

    A spokeswoman for London-based Roma Support Group said she was aware of frictions in Ilford, but insisted many Roma families there were simply the victims of prejudice.

    She said: "Only too often when it comes to Roma the full account of the story is dismissed. What is not clear is the range of stereotypes and assumptions that are made."

  15. #15
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    Easy solution.

    Just don't admit Romanian gypsies into the UK.

    When they learn how to behave...ok, maybe.

  16. #16
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    In Spain, with parental consent, 14 year old's can marry.

    I believe in UK 14 year olds can get birth control without parents consent. Thus having sex is OK getting pregnant is not. Hypocritical or what !

    As for the comments 'hang the person who made her pregnant. He too is quoted as being 'under age' thus probably under 14 .

    In UK 550 abortions a DAY are carried out. At least in this case the baby was not 'murdered by abortion'

  17. #17
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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  18. #18
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    QUOTE John may know but I don't think there is a legal minimum age for looking after a minor?, but RoSPA and the NSPCC recommend that no one under 16 should be left to care for an infant.

    I don't know if there is an age set down in law, I don't think there is. Each case would depend on the circumstances.

    But how things have changed.

    In about 1948, in UK when I was 8 years old, I was from time to time left until maybe 3 am with my two brothers aged 4 and 1 yr whilst my parents were working on a mobile coffee stall.

    Was I capable? One night when the baby would not stop crying I remember calling the police station opposite where my parents were working and asking them if they could send a policeman across the road to ask my mother to come home. No one had told me that's what I should do if I had a problem. I guess that was a fair display that I was at least to some extent capable. Although I of course would not approve now of that but it was just after the war and people had to make ends meet. During the war I guess many things happened which would be frowned upon now but which were accepted and probably things seldom went wrong.

    I think nowadays in UK we/society have gone cuckoo generally and everyone loves to jump on the bandwagon when anything goes wrong, and criticise, as if they have never made a poor decision.

    In the case of the 10 year with the child. It would seem that is not so rare in their homeland and as they have extended families who care for each other I would expect the baby will be at less risk than many of those 'under the care of social services' in UK.

    From what I understand young people assume a level of responsibly in RP earlier than in UK.

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Humans used to die at age around 30 not that long ago in the great scheme of things so the human bodies tries to ready itself for childbirth as quick as it can. As with any other creature or plant, the only aim is reproduction which results in survival of the species. The human race will one day become extinct.
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
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    I agree, and if we were to leave everything to nature a lot of us wouldn't be alive today.

  21. #21
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    I think how capable a person is depends on how they're raised. My sister started taking care of me when she was 7. At the time, I was 4 and our brother was less than a year old. She wasn't allowed to take care of him on her own until a year or so later when he could already walk. We were all taught how to cook on the stove (yes, we lit it by ourselves) before we even went to kindergarten. I hate to admit it but when I was 8, my brother was better at cooking rice on a stove. He was 4 at the time. I don't condone raising latchkey kids, but I can't say that there's anything stopping a child from learning how to raise another child.

    I think as long as an adult is there to teach that 10-year-old the basics (and preferably more) before actually letting her take care of the baby, the child should be perfectly capable of raising the baby herself.

    I know most people wouldn't let kids take care of kids, but in places where folks have to do anything and everything to make ends meet, kids mature earlier. They have to. Of course, child molestation should still never be tolerated. Rapists and child molesters aren't even fit to be called animals as animals don't try to mate with juveniles. IMHO, those sickos need to have certain body parts hacked off. Slowly. With a dull, rusty butter knife. With no anaesthesia. Then maybe those body parts should get shoved up their asses really hard.

    I just don't know about the 14-year-old who got the girl pregnant. He's just a kid himself.

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