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Thread: Romantic ways to propose to your mahal.

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoolBreeze2106 View Post
    Evening all.

    I am due to propose to my mahal and was looking for some ideas/experiences?

    I mentioned this to my wife and asked her if she remembered how I proposed.
    (mainly because I couldn't remember )

    Then she informed me she couldn't remember either

    Well, we talked for some time about this and still we just can't remember anything.
    Someone somewhere must have said something... surely

    If I had my time over, I would definitely pick a romantic place... go on one knee .... express my love and ask to marry me.


    Get the manager at Tesco's to make the declaration over the loudspeaker

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I mentioned this to my wife and asked her if she remembered how I proposed.
    (mainly because I couldn't remember )

    Then she informed me she couldn't remember either

    Well, we talked for some time about this and still we just can't remember anything.
    Someone somewhere must have said something... surely

    If I had my time over, I would definitely pick a romantic place... go on one knee .... express my love and ask to marry me.


    Get the manager at Tesco's to make the declaration over the loudspeaker
    I doubt the missus would have heard it if it was done over tescos be to busy on the phone knowing my luck

    Although in theory I proposed in boracay, like you there was no formal proposal and to me thats a thing out of the films if your a couple who have been together sometimes it just happens which i think is far better for some things happen because they happen why be fake or doing something because the media and tradtion says it has to be done?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
    Member CoolBreeze2106's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I doubt the missus would have heard it if it was done over tescos be to busy on the phone knowing my luck

    Although in theory I proposed in boracay, like you there was no formal proposal and to me thats a thing out of the films if your a couple who have been together sometimes it just happens which i think is far better for some things happen because they happen why be fake or doing something because the media and tradtion says it has to be done?
    I know what you mean, just want her to be able to say to her friends. He did this.... then asked me. Or we were here... then he asked. Might just slip it nder her pillow one evening and wait for her to find it before she sleeps

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoolBreeze2106 View Post
    I know what you mean, just want her to be able to say to her friends. He did this.... then asked me. Or we were here... then he asked. Might just slip it nder her pillow one evening and wait for her to find it before she sleeps
    yeah I know some ladies love to have those romantic stories to talk about I think my Wife would be embrassed if i went down on one knee and so would I so no point in being both uncomfortable

    For us it was better to spend the time in Boracay for us eat lovely food by the sea and chatting rather than both turning bright red. I have always cringed when on TV or at a public event a bloke or sometimes a woman (especially a leap year) asks their Mahal to marry them sometimes there is a long pause and one very worried proposer

    For me it would be most romantic with just the two of you the setting probably doesn't matter as lets be honest when in love it doesn't matter where you are or wht your doing its the best place in the world to be for you both. Im pretty sure many couples I have known have lets say expanded on the truth just so its a better story to recount
    How ever romantic it was and touching the hard shoulder in Grimbsy during the rush hour is probably not going to win many awards for romantic image in the head of the year. But I bet for you both it would bring happy memories when ever you pass sandwiched between two artics
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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