Quote Originally Posted by quickwillow View Post
After a long and frustrating wait for the NSO to correct their mistake on my fiancée’s annulment paper we are ready to marry in December.
I have my CNI ready to exchange in Cebu and she has just received her Cenomar today.
Now I’m worried about this, as it says that she is married to her ex, and not that she is annulled or free to marry.
The NSO says that it is just a record of, if she has been married before or not.
Maybe I’m worried for nothing but I was expecting it to say she is annulled and free to marry, as it does on my CNI.
Will this be ok along with her annulment papers for me to exchange my CNI at the consulate?
2 weeks before I leave and in a panic.
Is your fiance's Marriage Certificate Annotated by the NSO with regards to her annulment?
there should be a remarks on the side of the NSO Marriage Certificate ''Pursuant to the Decision dated____rendered by judge___of the rtc__Region__Branch_Place ,under civil case_____,the marriage between ____ and ___ celebrated is hereby declared null and void''

She can attach a copy of her annotated marriage license with her cenomar,the previous marriage still reflects,dont worry about this,.. when she gets married and registered her Marriage with the the NSO she gets her new database record which is your marriage with her.
goodluck on your wedding in december