Hi All,
Just a quick update for you all.

Been in Bohol now for 1 wonderful week!

Lovely quiet B&B last weekend on the quiet side of Panglao near Ananyana....Bliss.
Rented scooter and toured the island looking at various resorts etc.

Went out to Merryland, Buenavista on sunday to see my Mahal's family!
Fabulous lunch as always copious amounts of rice and fish....and Tanduhay!!
Drove back to Danao and stayed over in the eco resort!

Arlene & I too the 'plunge' the on Monday morning a cross between a bungee and a 70m swing! Awesome adrenaline rush!!!

Back now staying in apartment in Tagbilaran.... had a great morning on an island tour of Pamilacan today and saw a lot of dolphins!!

oh yes i will get my ass kicked but i proposed last night to Arlene and she accepted......


Cheers guys back to bliss......

PS popped in to Languishs gf shop today but yet to meet up....