I guess my boy (17) is lucky, because old as I am, I like most of the current stuff, and we both love heavy rock/metal.
He plays lead guitar in a local band, and I'm happy for him to practice in the next room...his 'music room', at mega-volume.
Fine by me, as I dulled my hearing years ago listening to Black Sabbath, etc.![]()
crazy horses....the osmonds
Yes, I can spell, Just can't tpye
Having 3 sisters, 2 much older than me, music was always going to be a big deal in our house. My first memory was 'twist and shout' by the Beatles. There after is was Elvis Presley based, post 68 come back The Vegas years. Lawdy Lawdy miss Clawdy was another from that 68 spec what stands out for me Worth taking a look on youtube. My first record was Come on feel the noise by Slade. Quo was another group i liked until they also sold out to the masses. My fav album is dark side of the moon. Both Jane and i still play it. Im not stuck in the past though. I even like that song by those Korean chicks Nobody Nobody but you. Yes My standards have dropped !
Quo were the first live band I saw play.
1968, York. Cost 50p.
Dark Side of the Moon is also my favourite album.
Saw them play live in 1970. Fantastic !
You were a lucky man Graham ! I didnt see Floyd or Quo in there prime but i saw them live at the live aid gig in 85. In my eyes they were not the same band when Lancaster jumped ship. Hey 10 bob in those days was half my brothers weeks wages ! My bro took me and his gf to see the Stones in hyde park I was only 9 but I do remember the sweet smelling roll ups they were smoking
Here's where I saw Floyd...plus one or two other not too bad bands. Great weekend for £2.50, and red hot too. I was 18.
Goodness me Graham, could you imagine going to see the likes of pink floyd and Santana 3 years down the line from when you saw them ?. I wonder if you can remember how Born to be wild played out live ? I see you kept your ticket. I never did to do that, i wish i did now !
im grew up listening to elvis presley & the first song i remember was teddy bear![]()
I didnt like all floyd's stuff. Another brick in the wall was for me, a sell out to the masses. Could you imagine Floyd doing that stuff in 73 I for one, cant. There dark side of the moon shot then to the stars then the promoters jumped on the bandwagon. Same with the Quo, they did that rocking all over the world thing at live aid but, that was so far away from there 60's pictures of match stick men.. Changing the subject, i saw guns and roses in the 80's at wembley, slash was awesome. Although not as good as the trio I saw in Oakland 1977 playing free bird. We didnt get to see Elvis He died on us ! At the time it was heart breaking. No puns intended. My first wages bought the latest record player The second bought the Beach boys greatest hits the 3rd I bought Quo's blue for you double album from Woolworth I think it cost £3.99.
Santana and Pink Floyd were the bands I enjoyed most at the festival.
The whole thing was a kind of Woodstock follow-on tour, hence several of the same bands as appeared at Woodstock.
'Donovan' turned up too, and played free of charge for about an hour.
That is actually a small poster that came with the ticket, and I still have the ticket.
Steppenwolf were great, and of course topical too, as their music was on the 'Easy Rider' movie, a cult film that year, and which I also went to see.
1970 was a good time to be 18.That year I left home and moved down to London for about a year....tail end of Carnaby St and King's Rd scene. I had a flat just off Kings Rd. Think...Austin Powers.
I'm a big fan of 'Free', and their single 'Alright Now' was out that year, and I also went to Deep Purple and Black Sabbath concerts around that time.
I agree about the early Floyd (Syd Barrett era) being better...to my ears anyway, and also that Status Quo went downhill (in a commercial sense) too.
Still love and play the music of all those bands, not to mention Hendrix, the Stones, Kinks and Who from my earlier youth.
My son plays lead guitar in a rock band now, and he has great respect for people like Hendrix , Clapton, and Carlos Santana, so we always have some good (loud!) sounds on.
What is it about turning 17 or 18 for us guys. 77 was my year for a number of reasons I wont go into on this public forum but, apart from the travelling and being able to see my rock hero's it was the year I got my first proper bike, a Suzuki GT 750. You mentioned that cult film with Dennis Hooper, a proper mans man, lived it just like on the film. It was that film that started me on bikes. I got a car as well the year after That was a Citroen DS You didnt need a venue for a party owning a car like that It was massive ! Only car I have owned where the headlights moved when you turned the steering wheel. One more thing, the summer was never ending and of course it never rained.
I enjoyed all the 70s (was sensible not to get married til 40).
Remember Donna Summer from 77 ?
Bought my first house end of 77.
I was running around in this that summer.
Attachment 4555
So what happened after 40, was it a mid life crisis and you got yourself married ? I agree about the music of the 70's so good. Rock at the start with the disco at the end and Yes I do remember Donna Summer Love to love you baby The first orgasm on record, so we were led to belive. I belived it. What 17 yo wouldn't. I think top of the tops had it banned. How times have changed. How about John Travolta and Saturday night fever. I loved that era too. I wasn't keen on the New Romantics a bit too gay for my liking although there was still some great stuff coming out like Whitesnake and I think Robert Plant fronted that band. Im not a keyboard warrior Its all from memory im afraid, so forgive me if im incorrect. So Graham, you had your youth unhindered then saved it all til later. Very wise man
I always thought that Donna Summer record was a bit of a landmark...whatever your taste in music. I just loved the sound production on it....er, and the noises.
Also Elvis died that summer didn't he ? I'm sure August 16th is stamped in my brain somewhere.. One of those unforgettable days.
Also that was the time, well 76, when Punk Rock came crashing onto the scene. I also like the anarchy of that. Later there were bands like Police and Elvis Costello. Bought that stuff as well, and the 2 Tone, Specials, UB40 etc, not long after that.
Don't think I ever grew up really.![]()
[by me!] But just wanted to say, I was kinda the opposite
... in the sense that I got married for the first time at the "tender" age of 23 (not all that unusual in the late 1960s) ... was widowed at 47 ... and spent my fifties "re-living" my teenage years. Finally settled down again at 64 (obviously still "needed" - contrary to The Beatles' portrayal of the genesis of one's gradual decline!). Apologies for having veered ever so slightly
Im just the same Graham I bought all those too. Music lovers never grow tired of it. Jane my wife have so much in common Music being one of them. Yes Elvis died August 16th I remember what and where I was when the news was being read. very sad Only 42 yo. But hey That is what rock and roll stars do Right. I remember that I feel love song as if it where yesterday Another awesome record. The start of my disco days. Sex pistols too never mind the b's I bought that album. My Dad was not pleased with it! That wld come a close 2nd to Floyd's master works. Im not going to say those days were the best and the music today is rubbish that wld be wrong. I still love music all music as longs as its good, of course.
i was brought up on frank sinatra and still have all his albums
but i remember hudson ford with pick up the peices for some reason and helen ready ???? no idea why. loved dark side of the moon .mixed bag for a mixed up bloke
I always liked the theme song, that Donna Summer sang from the film 'The Deep'.
The film was quite memorable (or mammorable?) with Jacqueline Bissett diving in a white T-shirt.![]()
Not sure really although I recall hearing 'I've got a brand new combine harvester' in my early years and some Carpenters stuff.
First record I bought was a single from Woolworths in 1984 by Talk Talk called 'Today'.
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