We all know that beauty is on the eye of the beholder
Beauty is only skin deep,but ugliness goes right down to the bone guess the cosmetics companies has got it all sewn up!!!![]()
We all know that beauty is on the eye of the beholder
Beauty is only skin deep,but ugliness goes right down to the bone guess the cosmetics companies has got it all sewn up!!!![]()
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
ok ok .....What is your favourite cosmetic brand????
I like AVON for my lips and cheeks....and MAC for eyeshadow
No bleach for my skin only exfoliate once in awhile to keep it smooth and to have me a perfect smooth brown...halt am loosing my brown here !!! noooooooo!!am starting to look pale need a re-charge under the sun in the Philippines next year lol
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
i don't wear make up other than lip gloss/ lip balm..and my fave brand is philosophy..it really prevents having cracked lips and i'm using it for years already![]()
the best thing for Emmas lips are mine![]()
The comedy "Shallow Hal" (James Black, Gwyneth Paltrow) was on TV again recently. After dating only women who are physically beautiful Hal falls in love with a 300 lb woman for her "inner beauty".
But there is good news since that Youtube video ... there is a ban on sunbeds for under 18s in Scotland for almost a year now, and in April next year they will be banned in England and Wales. Even for adults sunbed booths will have to be supervised. The reason ? Sunbeds give out UV rays which increase the chance of skin cancer in later life. Melanoma - the worst type - is only curable if recognised early.
Ano ang kahulugan ng mga nunal sa iyong katawan ? What's the significance of pigmented moles on your body ? Here's the checklist:
1. A new mole
2. Change in a mole already present (increase in size, shape, colour, ulceration or bleeding).
Have a look or get your partner to examine you ...could be fun and even save your life!
We do often seem to claim that "beauty is in they eye of the beholder."
Probably because we just know what appeals to our own sense of beauty....we know it when we see it.
But is beauty really a personal phenomenon?
Or is there something more universal we can say about it?
I think our personal idea of beauty is somehow 'hard wired' in our brains, a kind of
We must be doing more than simply recognising a beautiful face.
Are we in fact assessing emotions, personality traits and inner strength as well as physical appearance?
An English author, poet and artist D.H. Lawrence once said:-
"Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness."
I agree with him.
It is just so radical how a lot of asian wants to be white and whites wants to be brown,everbody is beautiful in their own way,we just have to be thankful of the genes we got.
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
dr jarts bb cream as foundation moisturizer during daytime
nature republic cleanser and creams
chapstick as lip moisturizer
clinique or dior for lipstick
vaseline lotion for the body
some may already seen it in my fb wall but then i say it again here...
i find woman beautiful when they dont try too hard, when they oozes with elegance, classic and sex appeal without even knowing it...
as part of my beauty regime...i expoliate once a year, olay cream, nivea to keep lips moisturize, avon for my eyes...drinks lots of water, enough sleep and keeping myself happy...
My mahal tells me she wants to be whiter, and I tell her she is beautiful with her natural colour. Then if she has been in the sun she hates getting darker, but she is still beautiful to me. I ask her why she wants to be my colour because I say I look like a ghost and look ill.
I think in Phils though, from what I have seen on tv, many actors are whiter, not sure if this is seen as something to aspire to be, I certainly hope not.
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
Filipina's are so beautiful with their darker tone; please do not try to whiten yourselves
British woman try to make themselves darker, but they can never match a Filipina for beauty
I have said once before to a young caucasian lad who finds fake tans on white women unattractive that.. why can't people just be happy to what they've got. People always want something they can not or do not have. It's embedded in the human psyche to have the desire to be equal, if not superior to others. Contentment is something we try to aim but can never be obtained. People always want more and it's becoming more apparent in the modern world.
However, each person has a certain type. I think physical beauty is the initial phase of attraction we see when choosing someone to 'mate'.
I've seen something on tv that some men find hourglass shape women (curvy hips) attractive because they see it as healthy to bear children. And for women, they look for strong men and good genes to have healthy children.
Now, does any of you find me beautiful?I'm single and available.
By the way doc alan, he's called Jack Black in Shallow Hal.![]()
My mom says I'm pretty.
most filipina really thinks WHITE IS BEAUTIFUL...but as men says here brown/ dark color skin is really beautiful and unique.. i haven't realize that til hubby told me that having a brown skin is BEAUTIFUL & SEXY... thats why i don't complain much now everytime we spend too much of sun and don't use whitening soap anymore.. just lotion to moistorize my skin![]()
I think when it comes to skin tone it was something to do with your standing or wealth where lighter colored skin in Asia was associated with wealth as they were not out in the fields working all day in the sun and for here the opposite where wealthy people with tans because they were often holidaying abroad.
ofcourse this has now been reinforced by the glossies and the cosmetic company's.
scientifically I think its do with symmetry but there is always exceptions to the rule
My Wife looks most beautiful in the morning when she is still half asleep cuddle in my arms and hair slightly draped across her face with a comferting smile on her lips.......and shes not talking![]()
Yes, I can spell, Just can't tpye
You only have to turn on the TV here to see that Pinas is infatuated with white skin,look at the majority of Pinoy/pinay TV presenters,and their "Big brother" mestiso contestants,do any of them look like negritos or tausugs?No way,all are chinese/mestiso types
Outer beauty is transient,it fades in time,inner beauty intensifies and gets better with age,gimmee a woman with a few lines on her face denoting life-experience![]()
Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.
Interesting...It was mentioned in one of the castle tours that I have been that in the past, esp during the tudor era, it was thought that the paler you were the more beautiful you were. Did you ever wonder why Elizabeth I had paler skin? It was fashionable during those times to have white skin and it's what distinguished the rich from the poor.
My mom says I'm pretty.
I so much agree! But we don't want so many lines..So don't worry about a thing! Cos everything's gonna be alright! And smile with the risin' sun! (Bob marley)
Ooops wait a minute I'm in England..so that means less smile for me!
How about in men though? Do lines denote life experience? And does maturity comes with life experience?
My mom says I'm pretty.
Filipinas wants to be white simply because of status symbol. Most rich and famous women in the Philippines have a skin tone of white like Kris Aquino. Fans mostly girls, idolized these stars and try to look like them. Unfortunately too, Filipino men here in the Philipines prefer women with white skin just a few Filipino men likes fairer women. It doesn't matter anyway whether you have a white or brown skin. True beauty is a reflection of one's inner beauty.
I don't also use make-up, just powder, a blush and a lipstick when going to work.
Cheers to all!
I'm not going to pretend I find every woman I look at good looking, but they've got amazing minds!
Not like me I'm just cuck![]()
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as far as I'm concerned.
Our sight is our most important sense, and nature has evolved women to be attractive to the eyes of lusty males, first and foremost...perhaps explaining why certain uptight religions cover their women from head to toe.
After the initial attraction/hook, of course personality and other less immediately visible 'things' have to be compatible too.
Clearly women (who are much cleverer than us) realise this, otherwise they wouldn't be wasting...er sorry, spending billions on cosmetics.
Personally I haven't used anything but plain water on my face for at least 20 years.
Can you tell ?
My boy on the other hand has more cosmetics than a blinkin beauty parlour, and smells like a flower stall.
I have just finished washing the approx' 200 items of clothing he appears to have gone through during the past week.![]()
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