I think everyone on here agrees to an extent Apo, and so do the majority of decent British people, the problem is this thread has become twisted and clouded and accusations of racism made. I don't think that is the case at all, most normal Brit's are quite happy to have a multitude of races and faiths here as long as they accept our way of life and play by our rules.
I condemn all forms of extremism, be it Islamic Fundamentalism, Christian Far Right or any other form of extreme political or religious belief. I don't claim the West is perfect, far from it, but it is my home and I don't want to see it degenerate any more than it has already. The biggest fear for most people is the lack of loyalty and patriotism shown by the extremists, God will always come before family, country or law.....and if the preacher tells a convert God wants you to wear a suicide belt and blow up a train full of innocent commuters they will do it. It isn't a question of IF there will be another attack in the UK, but WHEN?