Nicely summed up by Richard Littlejohn in todays Mail on Sunday

We should let these vile jihadists burn in Hell

There is nothing more despicable than ¬defiling the memory of our dead servicemen and women.
Why should we have to tolerate those Islamic hatemongers who disrupted yesterday’s two minutes’ silence, setting fire to a giant poppy and brandishing placards reading: ‘British soldiers burn in Hell.’
If that isn’t ¬incitement, I don’t know what is. They looked like the same crowd demonstrating outside the Old Bailey last week when that Muslim madwoman was convicted of stabbing MP Stephen Timms.
Yet although 50 people took part in this atrocity, there were only three arrests - and judging by the pictures it was the ¬counter-demonstrators from the so-called English Defence League who had their ¬collars felt.
If these Muslim rabble-rousers hate this country so much, why don’t they leave and set up shop in an Islamic theocracy?
We could give them every encouragement by stopping their benefits, as a basis for negotiation.
They should all have been banged up and, if they weren’t born here (as, sadly, I suspect most them were) they should have their citizenship revoked and be put on the first plane out.
At the moment these vile jihadists are ¬spitting in our faces and laughing at our cowardice, while abusing the freedoms countless British soldiers have died to defend.

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