Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
It's all over Facetube, the problem is the likes of the EDL and BNP use these events as a recruitment tool and try to stir up more racially motivated hatred. The more that goes on, the more the leftie do gooders jump on the bandwagon and call normal citizens racists if they speak out about extremists.
It's worth remembering that the majority of muslims in Britain do not condone this sort of behaviour by extremists, and want to live a peaceful life the same as we do. Events like this don't do the vast majority of law abiding muslims any favors and they want an end to it as well.
You are right but then spineless, politically correct apparatchiks like this moron just inflame matters even more :-

A fire chief has been slammed after he scrapped his brigade's annual religious service to mark Remembrance Day in case it offended non-Christians.

Staff at the Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service used to hear prayers said by a local chaplain before and after the traditional two minute silence at 11am.

But new chief fire officer Nigel Williams decided to axe the religious element of the service held at brigade headquarters at Hethersett near Norwich.

The decision was made after he was told that several staff were 'uncomfortable' with the religious nature of the ceremony.

Around 40 staff still gathered in the mess room yesterday (thurs) to stand in silence and lay poppy wreaths - but there were no Christian prayers said.

Instead a senior fire officer simply read war poet Laurence Binyon's famous poem For the Fallen before the silence.

Neil Harvey, a committee member of Norfolk Retained Firefighters' Union, said: 'I'm astounded. The people we're remembering here don't want to be anonymous and don't want their faith to be anonymous.

'That seems to be the way the world is going - making everything vanilla in order to avoid offending anybody.

'It would be interesting to find out how many people complained and what those complaints were.

'Is it money well spent for people to sit there and dream up things like this instead of spending it on frontline firefighters and new kit?'

from The Daily Mail