Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
The British have always been sufficiently confident in themselves that they have never felt the need to make laws against people insulting them. For example there is no offence of burning the national flag (often incorrectly called the Union Jack). We are confident enough not to need such a law. Nationalities that are less confident in themselves have such laws, USA for example.

Burning poppies is not, per se, inciting racial hatred against the British. In fact it is more likely to have the reverse effect i.e. that those burning the poppies will inspire racial hatred against themselves.

I hope subscribers refrain from being side-tracked into making, what maybe, racially hateful remarks here, which may be more likely to qualify as 'inspiring racial hatred' than the actions of the poppy burning inadequates.
Times have changed for the worse and it is time to bring in legislation.The Police currently are either too lily livered or hung up on political correctness to deal with these vermin - contrast this with the other days goings on outside Tory HQ where the Met are having an immediate enquiry with no doubt suspects being identified and charged from video footage.