Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
Times have changed for the worse and it is time to bring in legislation.The Police currently are either too lily livered or hung up on political correctness to deal with these vermin - contrast this with the other days goings on outside Tory HQ where the Met are having an immediate enquiry with no doubt suspects being identified and charged from video footage.

Dedworth what law did they break by burning the poppies. Nothing springs immediately to me. If they did not then the police have nothing to do.

For those who like to think the police should 'do something' when there is an occurrence which that person does not agree with. Just recall the outcry when a 'Newspaper seller' was pushed by the police when they were policing a riotous demonstrative in London.

In the recent student demo I suspect that the need to not over spend may have influenced the police when they were deciding how many officers to have on stand-by. If there had been no disturbance, that officer might have been criticised for over-staffing, at a time when all public services are being cut back. The police are frequently in a no win situation.

As for changing the law: I personally don't think that a few stupid acts by extremists should cause us to have a knee-jerk reaction. If we did then they win !