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Thread: An insult to decency

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Incidents of this nature go "way beyond the pale" ... and [literally] make me see RED! And wholeheartedly with Dedworth, lestaxi and others. God alone knows - with the possible exception of Allah ... and any of the so-called deities - how these *barbarians manage to infiltrate our (for the most part) civilised shores, when decent, law-abiding citizens of many other non-European nations - notably (for us) the Philippines - find it increasingly difficult to come here to the UK for even a visit ... let alone settle with their British partners.

    Sadly, *they're here to stay, it seems ... thanks to the namby-pamby lack of backbone and foresight on the part of successive British **governments pandering to the whimsical dictates of "human rights" that invariably apply to all but the people who elected them - and whom **they purport to represent.

    In my view, those who choose to make their homes in this country have an obligation to adapt to the lifestyle here and, moreover, comply with our laws - not the other way round! It's high time our peelie-wally politicians stood up to their responsibilities and declared - "enough is ENOUGH!"
    Arthur, as you will be aware the 7/7 bombers were all British and did not "infiltrate our (for the most part) civilised shores"

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Arthur, as you will be aware the 7/7 bombers were all British and did not "infiltrate our (for the most part) civilised shores"
    did they see themselves as British thou ?

    as I've posted a few times on here, i use to work with 2 Libyan brothers who's mother was British, even thou both were born in Libya and both had British passports, but they didn't see themselves as British in anyway, they use to laugh and joke about British soldiers been killed because they killed their 'Muslim brothers'

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    did they see themselves as British thou ?

    as I've posted a few times on here, i use to work with 2 Libyan brothers who's mother was British, even thou both were born in Libya and both had British passports, but they didn't see themselves as British in anyway, they use to laugh and joke about British soldiers been killed because they killed their 'Muslim brothers'
    You are correct Joe.
    The muslim faith doesn't seem to exist within country boundaries as we have seen many times.
    This state of affairs (hate towards the west) could be eased.
    IMO, this is why the west is getting the backlash; what happens in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel or wherever will spread out to places like Britain, the USA or Spain for example.
    Nothing is happening on a Global level to help Muslims, which is why British muslims are reacting violently.
    All violence is reprehensible and it is getting worse.
    Think of the (from Wiki Sabra and Shatila massacre took place in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon between September 16 and September 18, 1982, during the Lebanese civil war. Palestinian and Lebanese civilians were massacred in the camps by Christian Lebanese Phalangists while the camp was surrounded by Israeli forces. In that period of time, Israel was at war with Lebanon. The Israeli Forces occupied Beirut and dominated the refugee camps of Palestinians and controlled the entrance to the city. After the assassination of Bachir Gemayel, leader and president-elect of the Lebanese Phalangist, a Maronite group, also called Lebanese Forces militia group, entered the camp and murdered inhabitants during the night. The exact number of victims is disputed, from 700–800 to 3,500 (depending on the source).
    Think of the Palestinians who have been killed by the thousands, think of the recent invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    It doesn't really matter which members of this forum feel outraged, their grievances are miniscule compared to the endless horrors inflicted on the Muslims around the world.

    For these soap box pretenders, read your history

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    For these soap box pretenders, read your history
    I'm not disputing that the West has to share some of the blame for this extremism, US and UK foreign policy is wrong in my opinion. However, Islam can hardly claim it hasn't invaded other nations over the years. Originating in the Arabian peninsula it quickly spread thoughout North Africa, South Western Europe, Asia Minor, Central Asia, South Asia and the Far East. Much of this expansion was done by occupying armies and forcing people to convert or be killed. We can all pull articles from Wiki to prove our points. Muslims have slane as many people over the centuries as non muslims have, so please don't make them out to be the victim's here. If you want recent examples, look no further than Nigeria and The Sudan...and before you say the West is anti Muslim, think about Kosovo in 1998. Nato fought off the Orthodox Christian Sefbian Army and supported the Muslim Kosova's. Funny how no one ever mentions that when they complain about muslims being oppressed by the west
    Like you I am an athiest, religion is the main cause of wars...or should I say, religious power crazy fantatics manipulating a religion is the main cause of war

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I'm not disputing that the West has to share some of the blame for this extremism, US and UK foreign policy is wrong in my opinion. However, Islam can hardly claim it hasn't invaded other nations over the years. Originating in the Arabian peninsula it quickly spread thoughout North Africa, South Western Europe, Asia Minor, Central Asia, South Asia and the Far East. Much of this expansion was done by occupying armies and forcing people to convert or be killed. We can all pull articles from Wiki to prove our points. Muslims have slane as many people over the centuries as non muslims have, so please don't make them out to be the victim's here. If you want recent examples, look no further than Nigeria and The Sudan...and before you say the West is anti Muslim, think about Kosovo in 1998. Nato fought off the Orthodox Christian Sefbian Army and supported the Muslim Kosova's. Funny how no one ever mentions that when they complain about muslims being oppressed by the west
    Like you I am an athiest, religion is the main cause of wars...or should I say, religious power crazy fantatics manipulating a religion is the main cause of war
    I agree................and, we do have some things in common

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I agree................and, we do have some things in common
    I think everyone on here agrees to an extent Apo, and so do the majority of decent British people, the problem is this thread has become twisted and clouded and accusations of racism made. I don't think that is the case at all, most normal Brit's are quite happy to have a multitude of races and faiths here as long as they accept our way of life and play by our rules.
    I condemn all forms of extremism, be it Islamic Fundamentalism, Christian Far Right or any other form of extreme political or religious belief. I don't claim the West is perfect, far from it, but it is my home and I don't want to see it degenerate any more than it has already. The biggest fear for most people is the lack of loyalty and patriotism shown by the extremists, God will always come before family, country or law.....and if the preacher tells a convert God wants you to wear a suicide belt and blow up a train full of innocent commuters they will do it. It isn't a question of IF there will be another attack in the UK, but WHEN?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I think everyone on here agrees to an extent Apo, and so do the majority of decent British people, the problem is this thread has become twisted and clouded and accusations of racism made. I don't think that is the case at all, most normal Brit's are quite happy to have a multitude of races and faiths here as long as they accept our way of life and play by our rules.
    I condemn all forms of extremism, be it Islamic Fundamentalism, Christian Far Right or any other form of extreme political or religious belief. I don't claim the West is perfect, far from it, but it is my home and I don't want to see it degenerate any more than it has already. The biggest fear for most people is the lack of loyalty and patriotism shown by the extremists, God will always come before family, country or law.....and if the preacher tells a convert God wants you to wear a suicide belt and blow up a train full of innocent commuters they will do it. It isn't a question of IF there will be another attack in the UK, but WHEN?
    I have noticed that this thread and others are becoming saturated with some people's warped ideas that extremism is only from one particular group of people, when that group is mostly moderate.
    They should really note that extremism comes in many disgusting manifestations.
    I am glad the BNF is mostly hounded out of our lives when they try to spout off in public.
    This is because we are mostly moderate in this multicultural country

  8. #8
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Arthur, as you will be aware the 7/7 bombers were all British and did not "infiltrate our (for the most part) civilised shores"
    British my **** only when it suits them,they hated everything about us and all they wanted to do was to purposely kill innocent civilians.

    You live in a world of denial and naivety I'm afraid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    British my **** only when it suits them,they hated everything about us and all they wanted to do was to purposely kill innocent civilians.

    You live in a world of denial and naivety I'm afraid.
    Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine - heard of them?
    What news do you watch, what radio stations do you listen to or read about?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine - heard of them?
    What news do you watch, what radio stations do you listen to or read about?
    I'm watching the Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance on BBC1 - what's on Al Jazeera ? "Episode 15 of An Introduction to Suicide Bombing" or suchlike

  11. #11
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    British my **** only when it suits them,they hated everything about us and all they wanted to do was to purposely kill innocent civilians.

    You live in a world of denial and naivety I'm afraid.
    why are you letting this thread annoy you so much
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  12. #12
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    why are you letting this thread annoy you so much
    Because I deplore what those Islamic *******s did the other day and will have a go at anyone who defends them

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