Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
Arthur and others.

You may think people who settle in a country have an obligation to fit in but whilst some countries have laws which oblige people to do that UK does not. So until you can get the law changed you are stuck with what UK has. Complaining here, about how you would like things to be, will not change anything.

I solved the problem, I left UK.
That is very true John, I am not proposing that the UK legislates to change this. However, I believe that it is polite and respectful to accept the traditions of your host country, even if you don't agree with them.

For me, someone who calls themselves British, does so out of a sense of pride for everything this great nation has done and stands for. These so called British Muslims, are only British when it suits them, they have no loyalty to this nation, as has been seen at demonstrations over recent years. However, as soon as the Police come knocking on their doors, they are British then and want the full protection of British law Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.

I don't think that my views are particularly extreme, and I'm confident that they are representative of the majority of the British public. It's about time our politicians started listening to the electorate and did something about it.

I'm not suggesting that the UK will go the same way as Yugoslavia, but what happened there is a lesson to all countries of what can happen when the public get fed up with non indiginous people ignoring and flouting their hosts traditions. The UK is a far more tolerant country than most, but push people too far and they turn - Even the Dutch, the most liberal of all Europeans are hardening their stance on minorities taking the pee out of their relaxed good nature.