Well ...
like it or not ... trading [verbal] "insults" has, since time immemorial, been a human failing
EVERYWHERE. "Sticks & stones and all that!" Witness the old satirical writings/grotesque caricatures appearing in (sadly) long-defunct British Magazines - such as 'John Bull', 'Punch' &c - and portrayed on modern day television programmes ... all of them poking harmless (for the
most part) fun at the idiosyncracies of 'The Establishment'.
However, in the minds of decent, ordinary people - particularly those who have lost fathers, sons, brothers and other greatly loved comrades and friends in military conflict - it is a markedly different matter altogether.
Each poppy takes on its
own very special significance; it represents
the loss of a loved one. And therein lies the
core issue. The act of burning a single poppy, therefore, is nothing less than a heinous insult to the memory of a
human being who has been killed in defence of his/her country's freedom. Yours and mine!!