Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
Just the first one I found plenty more where that came from sorry its not from any of your prefered "30second " soundbites this kind of thing actualy is an "Insult to Decency"

Interesting video of Lancs Police from a fine upstanding newspaper.

A good illustration of "rigid by the book interpretation" from a PCSO and her cohorts of legislation brought in by the Labour Party. I wonder what the Labour chaired and dominated Lancs Police Authority thought about it, maybe it had some bearing on their recent decision to consider abolishing PCSO's (aka Blunkett Bobbies). I hope this Force adopt a similar Zero Tolerance approach and deal fairly but firmly with anyone using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to others.

I'm sure this Force are even handed whilst dealing with offenders, I'd expect the qualities of Fairness and Northern Grit to be at the fore, I doubt if Lancs Constabulary needs to follow the Met Police in having an expensive, well manned Equality and Diversity Directorate. Well known Lancs MP and former Home Secretary Jack Straw is there to keep an eye on things.