Quote Originally Posted by toging View Post
i got my decision (annulment) yesterday after waiting for 2 years it finally came thru....as we (me and my scottish bf) had been waiting for it for a long while....i am so excited to know the things that i need to learn to process a fiancee visa.....but when i keep on reading it i didnt realized how it will be hard for us....especially in the department of his financial stability.....my bf is on his retirement age.so i wondered if the embassy will allow me to enter UK since he is only a pensioner now....does he needs to be back at work again b4 i can apply a fiancee visa???and how long does it take for me to wait till i can apply>>>pls help i really need ur advice.....thank you very much!!!
Firstly ... to the filipino/uk forum.

Secondly, I have merged your two threads into one ... since the content is identical.

Thirdly, I think you're perhaps worrying yourself needlessly over the fact that your Scottish boyfrend is a State Pensioner. I say this, based on my own experience of being early retired - and nine months short of pension age - when I married my Filipina wife in December 2008, applied for a Spousal Visa and was able to bring her to the UK 12 weeks later. The main difference as far as you're concerned is, I imagine you'll be planning to hold the wedding in Scotland ... as opposed to the Philippines ... which is presumably why you mention applying for a Fiancee Visa.

There are some excellent threads on here to help you through the procedure; one I can highly recommend is entitled 'Applying for a Spouse or Fiancee Visa - A quick guide' compiled by one of our Trusted Members, Ricky R on September 2nd this year. If you have any difficulty in finding it using our 'Search Facility' located at the top right-hand corner of this page, then please let us know.

I'm glad you've finally been granted your annulment after such a long wait ... and wish you both every happiness in your future together.