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Thread: Rememberence sunday march

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  1. #1
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Rememberence sunday march

    Fantastic turn out in Harrogate today,big march by the army apprentice college through the town,laying of reefs and service.

    No disrespect to the servicemen who sadly no longer with us, good to see.

    Then an amusing tale,I had to return to work this afternoon and about 3pm got a call to a local pub with a strange request!

    One of the senior soldiers from a Scottish regiment had left his medals up at camp

    He asked me if I would go get them and bring them back for him,this is a 6-7 mile round trip due to roadworks but I agreed a discounted price since they have my admiration (and he was Scottish so i knew he would beat me down on the fare )

    I had to go to the guard room to collect medals.

    I knew I was in for some fun when the sergeant shouted at me when I walked in and said "show parade at 5pm"

    Luckily it was a wind up,anyway with medals in hand i returned back to pub to find soldier was missing

    Just as I was logging onto e-bay he returned

    He said they were worth £500 anyway shook my hand,paid me and I drove away glad to of been of service to these brave guys

  2. #2
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    I looked out for you when it was shown on local TV....but then remembered I don't know what you look like.

    Sadly I couldn't attend as I was not feeling well today, but thought a lot about my dad as I was watching the Remembrance parade in London.

    I also recall that he was chosen to march in the Royal Naval section of the Queen's Coronation parade, which was considered a great honour.

    My mother's dad fought in BOTH world wars, as he was a 35 year career army officer. My uncle (his son) lost a leg when clearing mines, at the age of 19.

    My dad's dad also fought in both wars, and was shot in the jaw..which to us kids left him looking a bit 'scary'.

    Back in my childhood there were just so many people it seems struggling to get on with their lives despite loss of limbs and other injuries/war wounds, some of which were quite horrific, poor guys, almost all as a result of action in WW1 and WW2.

    We are so fortunate not to have had to experience all out war for the past 65 years.

  3. #3
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    Good story Les I did end up in the Guardhouse at RAF Lyneham a few years back, took a mate there who was flying off to Norway or some such place in the middle of a dark stormy night. At the gate they waved us in I guess on seeing Ian's pass they thought I was services also. He got me to drive deep into the bowels of the place to drop him off, I got hopelessly lost and got pulled in by armed camouflaged RAF Regiment heavies - turns out there was a high level anti terrorist alert on. The guys at the gate got in trouble for letting me drive in

    We went to the parade this morning, a fairly big turn out amongst the spectators with all ages from toddlers to very oap's there. The wreath laying always reminds me of my late Dad doing it for a couple of years when he was Chairman or suchlike of his local RAFA branch (a lot of which are closing / amalgamating due to their falling numbers). A lot of these old guys seem to be able to straighten themselves up and march up smartly to the memorial knocking years off their ages, you wonder what mates and events they recall whilst pausing there.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I have no special stort, but I regard myself as very lucky not to remember any personal thoughts of war, I have read a fair bit.
    Everyone rememberd has mt deepest respect.
    I attend our local event every year, and see many of the same people there each year.

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    My grandad, Richard Atkins, who was shot and killed in WWII leaving my nan with 3 kids to bring up.
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    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    My grandad, Richard Atkins, who was shot and killed in WWII leaving my nan with 3 kids to bring up.
    my moms uncle, who was with her, was shot and killed by a russian fighter plane when it attacked people who were fleeing the russian invasion

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