Havent been on for a while,been kicking around in the boonies(whick isnt all its cracked up to be)anyway,now have a globe-dongle so logged on,looked for continuations of certain stories,Birth,Death,and Marriage sort of stuff,looked for Northerner as I was uber-certain he would be wrapped up in happily wedded bliss at this time,blow me sideways,Northerner was BANNEDone of the forums most inoffensive members was no longer around?Checked Pennybarry to see how her summer had fared,gadzooks methinks Dom had been working overtime with the "BAN" button as Pen was also wala-na
the list of persona non grata was expanding as I discovered Florge and several others were also deleted members,I checked on Dom as power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,but found maybe his finger had developed a cyber-stutter and accidentally self-deleted as Dom was also a casualty
What happened?