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Thread: So what have Nasa discovered?

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  1. #1
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    Oh dear "our cosmic neighbourhood" bunch of Nasa drama queens

    A black hole 30 years old, well very good, so I'm asking myself why are we still here if a supernova had gone off 30 lights years away we would already be fried and not being all awe struck at a young black hole.

    What they actually mean is they found a black hole that is roughly 50,000,030 years old, it's just that we have just observed it.

    Cosmic neighbourhood my

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    Oh dear "our cosmic neighbourhood" bunch of Nasa drama queens

    A black hole 30 years old, well very good, so I'm asking myself why are we still here if a supernova had gone off 30 lights years away we would already be fried and not being all awe struck at a young black hole.

    What they actually mean is they found a black hole that is roughly 50,000,030 years old, it's just that we have just observed it.

    Cosmic neighbourhood my
    No DarthVader marching up the Mall to confront the Queen who has had a specially made Light saber from Harrods which matched her Corgis winter Coats

    But watch out as Joe says the Yanks will probably try and blow it up.

    Anyone see James Blunt talking about how 200 Russian soldiers took over a Kosovan airfield (I think it was) and the Yank comander said go n take them out So the British and the other countries 30,000 strong merely surrounded the airfield and waited for the russians to invite them in as they ran out of supplies after a few days
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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