Quote Originally Posted by Ladybug_sim View Post
Hi! subseastu, just add my opinion here ... i can imagine what you have experience for that things. It is common for some apartment here as long as they put an a/c to the room it would be ok only they know if you complain to them and they fix it for you... Mostly, we live here without a/c as we balance it for our daily day source of income mean something we can tipid or less for the electric city.

If you have a bit richer friends or family all the houses have an a/c as they can afford on it and there type of house is a bit good while a simple apartment or simple living on here just only we can say that it is good to sleep and live than on the street .

Any way, as long as no one bothered you while you sleep or knock on the door at night just sleep good and never mind for the noisy aircon ... but it really need to fix coz it can add your bill for the next month.

A simple living here in the City is good and nothing to worry if you need to be cool just lend some a/c inside the mall with free strolling and place to stay in a while
UNfortunatly I need quiet to sleep. Don't think it'll be very good to take a sleeping bag and bed down in a shopping mall!!!