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Thread: Another thing which is handy for A Phill before or just after coming to the UK

  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Another thing which is handy for A Phill before or just after coming to the UK

    Get a qualification showing your level of English.

    The Wife was after 5 years of Living in the UK and working for the majority of the time has just needed for a role needed to prove she has a qualification in English. They asked for a GCSE or equivalent and she showed her IELTS which she took back in Mania over 5 years.

    It cost back then about 80 pounds, now in the UK to take the Exam it costs 110 pounds in the UK I understand.

    We Brits all take it for granted but for the Wife it has been very useful for ticking a box when applying for roles in the past.

    The Ielts can be taken in a day and tests Reading, writing, Listening and speaking with a score for each and a overall score.

    Two levels one academic and another General. From reading a few university and college websites a score of 5.5 to 6.5 is equated to a GCSE English Pass.

    Taking a English GCSE due to the course work and exams would take quite a while. While the Ielts could be taken in one day and from a quick search tests are carried out all over the country at least every couple of weeks it appears at least in the major cities.

    Not saying this is Ideal for all, but has been a useful sheet of paper for the Wife. Especially if considering work or study in the UK.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  2. #2
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    Great thread and excellent info.
    Hope you don't mind that I add to it.

    The IELTS can be found here:-

    My wife did an NVQ this year and at the same time her employer also allowed her to do a 'Skills for Life' qualification for literacy & numeracy.
    She really enjoyed doing this and learnt a lot, especially grammar.

    Skills for Life info can be found here:-

    Most of the material used came from the BBC Skillswise website.
    This is an excellent site for improving English skills. I highly recommend taking a look.
    The BBC Skillswise CD-ROM can be downloaded from this site so avoiding the need to be online to study.

    The BBC Skillswise site can be found here:-

    My wife could speak English quite well but did have some issues with grammar. She actually found these studies invaluable when taking formal tests and her NVQ work.

    I think it would be time well spent for all newly arrived to UK. Just a hour or two now and then during these cold winter months.

    Sorry if I hi-jacked your great idea somebody.

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    No Terpes not at all the more the merrier

    I do think both the Brit and Phill can forget that once a persons Passports tells the potential Employer that the candidate was born in a non English Speaking country it can place a doubt in the mind.

    Its also a useful way of judging how good the Phills English will be. We have all experienced how the Brit will adapt their English for the Phil and ignores slight errors in grammar such as mixing he and she are ignored.

    As I always advise if in the Uk if you have access watch the BBC news channel simply listening to this will help your English and adapting to different accents greatly

    I would also suggest for those who just before leaving Phil and entering the Uk will be typically for many a time when you have time on your hands use it to help yourself. Possibly in a few years time
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  4. #4
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    just a quick question guys...Ill be lodging my application Feb2011..Fiance visa this time...So before i apply,should i take the ENglish test here back home in PI and which should be the best kind of test?IELTS?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Queenbee View Post
    just a quick question guys...Ill be lodging my application Feb2011..Fiance visa this time...So before i apply,should i take the ENglish test here back home in PI and which should be the best kind of test?IELTS?
    You are applying for a fiance visa and you are living in the Phils. Then you will need to pass the English Test before you apply for the visa.
    Please look here:-

    You need to attend an approved test centre to take the test.
    There are also a couple of threads on this forum giving additional information and websites where you can make practice tests.

    Hope this helps

  6. #6
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Thanks for the Post Terpes and HI QueenBee good luck with the exam which ever you choose but with your previous visits to the UK it should be no problem with some Revision and practise to get a good pass

    I think this is one time apart fromt eh time and money involved where Phills will have a advantage during to the teaching of English at Schools and basic levels of English most Phills have
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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