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Thread: likelyhood of getting Nanny visa for 25yr old with her own two kids in the Phils

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  1. #1
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    likelyhood of getting Nanny visa for 25yr old with her own two kids in the Phils

    Our niece was going to go an work in Singapore or Hong Kong as a house maid and Joy now with 2 of our own under 3 and having a chronic muscle disorder decided we should have our own nanny.

    Bouyed by hearing of local friends who obtained nanny visa even just after employing locally for nine months despite the rules saying 12 months we resolved to go for it and send Joy and our little ones to our place in Palawan in March this yr and hire our niece locally. I am able with work to visit reasonably often so it is not too hard to bear the seperation.

    We now hear that enforcement is tougher, our local pastor with twins just had their nanny visa turned down. We have decided to wait until March to apply but apart from our nannys age what other factors may not help. joy has letters from her consultants here and in Manila sying her condiiton is for life and flares up without notice rendering her unable to even to pick up the baby and our intended nanny does have connections back to the Phils her own 2 babies and husband but no real land or savings to speak off.

    Any experiences here of applying for this tyoe of visa?

    any advice greatly appreciated

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  2. #2
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    Hi Scott,

    Sorry to hear of this situation.

    This type of visa is notoriously difficult to secure.

    Please read this document, which is a complete report from an Immigration Tribunal
    on a similar situation (concerns Philippines):-

    It is quite a long read but please be patient, is extremely detailed on both UKBA
    requirements and the 'Determination and Reasons' for the judgement.

    It should provide you with all the information you need.

    If you decide to go ahead I would suggest involving a specialist immigration advisor in order to submit the visa request.

    Hope it helps you

  3. #3
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    i will read, thank you
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

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  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    i will read, thank you
    Good Luck, Scott ... hopefully when the time comes for you to apply, the authorities will be sympathetic in the light of Joy's medical circumstances. All the very best with your efforts.

  5. #5
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    thank you Arthur, her consultant here is Malaysian and understands the visa issues and is very supportive and symathetic. Her letter to the authorities is very well put together. My only concern is the age of Joys niece being only 25. We have followed all teh written rules as expressed and hope to be successful. if we fail I will look to return to Asia Pacific full time and work out of our home. The UK government can forgo my 35k in income tax and 10 k in Nat inusrance I pay here. As a higher tax rate payer they even will take away the childrens allowance which we have been and will save in the Phil accounts for our little ones.SOD them if the bin our application.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  6. #6
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    We will be using my wife's Aunt as our nanny. She will arrive on a family visit visa. We know its only good for 6 months but, we plan to go back to Phil in the November so its works out well for us. Good luck with yours.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    We will be using my wife's Aunt as our nanny. She will arrive on a family visit visa. We know its only good for 6 months but, we plan to go back to Phil in the November so its works out well for us. Good luck with yours.
    be careful, if her aunt mentions anything about being a nanny or child minding she could be refused a visa or even refused entry to the uk, paid or unpaid work is work

  8. #8
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    if they have different surnames and not mention if they are related, may help
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    if they have different surnames and not mention if they are related, may help
    Yes ... well ... they will have different surnames .... but it's a family visit visa the aunt's applying for ... unless, of course, she's going to be staying with relatives other than Mark & Jane?? ...

  10. #10
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    Thanks for the advice Bornabirth. Joe, i wld imagine a great many have taken the route we are about to embark on, weather its right in the eyes of the law or not so, i dont get your shaking head of disapproval comes from. Her tita wants to come here to be our yaya to be with her favorite niece and it wont be costing the British tax payer a penny. The wife wants to go back to work in turn supporting the wasters who dont want to work (perhaps a little strong) you get my drift. Yes Bornabirth dif surname. I guess we dont mention bibi minding etc. We shall bear this advice in mind when it comes the filling out the application. Cheers! Arthur, i just read your reply to Bornabirth's post, you made me laugh ! All good sound advice.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Thanks for the advice Bornabirth. Joe, i wld imagine a great many have taken the route we are about to embark on, weather its right in the eyes of the law or not so, i dont get your shaking head of disapproval comes from.
    disapproval your completely wrong gWaPito, its a warning, people have been refused a visa for that reason, I wouldn't want anyone on here being refused for that, i understand you, because I'm in the same situation, i get childcare element of tax creds, come April i will get nothing and will have to pay over £600+ a month for someone to look after the kids for 3hrs a day for 4days a week . what is the point of working ?? the schools should provide better b4 and after school clubs.

    I'm thinking of getting my misses aunt here to, but we've got other options, anyway gWaPito i really do wish you luck

  12. #12
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    Thanks Joe, i misunderstood the shaky head at the end of your first response to my first post on this thread. yes, by getting Jane's aunt here, just that one stone would kill so many birds. We just got back from hols, and with the long dark days to look forward to the wife is feeling a little down along with backache from being 2 days short of 16 weeks pregnant, not that we are complaining about that ! At least by getting her aunty here she will feel less home sick or rather, family sick. She dont miss the heat pollution flys etc etc just her family. We dont get the chance to go back until next October so its a long time to wait. She will be able to perfect her cooking, go into town, she can and does now but wld feel better not alone and or course, return to work on a part time basis.

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh i see, thats not me shaking my head but immigration , of course people want their mom or another relative to come and look after your kids, why not, but the gov see it as work

    good luck with the visa, we might do the same , get a visit visa for my mother in law for 6 months, then for my misses aunt, or get my stepsons misses here.. not sure yet

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