Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
Thanks for the advice Bornabirth. Joe, i wld imagine a great many have taken the route we are about to embark on, weather its right in the eyes of the law or not so, i dont get your shaking head of disapproval comes from.
disapproval your completely wrong gWaPito, its a warning, people have been refused a visa for that reason, I wouldn't want anyone on here being refused for that, i understand you, because I'm in the same situation, i get childcare element of tax creds, come April i will get nothing and will have to pay over £600+ a month for someone to look after the kids for 3hrs a day for 4days a week . what is the point of working ?? the schools should provide better b4 and after school clubs.

I'm thinking of getting my misses aunt here to, but we've got other options, anyway gWaPito i really do wish you luck