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Thread: Oven-Roasted Lechon de Leche a la Marketman

  1. #1
    Respected Member Win2Win's Avatar
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    Post Oven-Roasted Lechon de Leche a la Marketman

    Consider this my early holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve/Day) present to all of's readers across the globe. If you have steadfastly held the view that the only way for you to place a lechon on your holiday table is to order it from a commercial purveyor, or hire a lechonero to do one in your backyard, let me just go ahead and BURST THAT BUBBLE RIGHT NOW. Thousands of readers abroad have read my dozens of posts on lechon and I have received hundreds of comments or emails from around the world about Pinoys pining for lechon, and how they miss home so much around the holidays, and in particular, they want that lechon on their groaning holiday table. Well, you no longer have an excuse... This Christmas, whether you are in Dublin or Zurich, Oslo or Toronto, Dallas or New York, you too, can have a pretty decent lechon at home! You may be rolling your eyes just now, but trust me when I say this is just slightly more complicated that stuffing and roasting a turkey. Really. And while I struggled with the thought of saving this recipe for the mythical Marketman cookbook, the urge to share overwhelms... Surprise your family, friends and relatives; this year, replace your roast beef, roast turkey or goose with an oven roasted lechon de leche...

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  2. #2
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    ahhh leche lechon. but I'm trying to be an lacto-ovo vegetarian...
    Life as we make it

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It's in the right position
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member
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    ohhh Keith !!! That thought is going to stay with me every time I see pork, you've just put me off my Sunday lunch now

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I just love lechon

    Most ovens here in UK are just a little to small
    I have cooked lechon a number of times with varying results.

    The first time I tried, I ordered a prepared suckling pig but had the head removed. Head cooked in upper oven, body in lower. I still needed to cut some of the body to get it to fit in the oven.
    Cooking it evenly and crispy was really a pain.
    But tasted nice.
    If I do this again I will buy a slightly smaller whole pig maybe 6kg so it can fit into the oven.

    Second time I ordered pre-cooked and pre cut hog. No delivery so had to collect Two hour round trip, but lechon stayed nice and hot in it's special insulated container.
    Tasted great, nice crispy skin and very tender, but not really a the visually exciting
    whole pig centre-piece dish I had envisaged.

    Third time, ordered it pre-cooked and whole. Had to collect it and provide my own
    container for transport.
    The pig weighed in at 12kg so quite heavy for my BBQ. Anyway managed to get it
    fixed up on the electric spit and BBQ'd on low heat for about 40mins.
    Great attraction for the BBQ and wonderful aroma. Result, fantastic. Great taste, crispy skin juicy and tender.

    Next time I am planning to buy a whole butchered suckling pig and BBQ from scratch
    Philippine style over a firepit.
    Well that's the plan anyway.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Oven-Roasted Lechon de Leche a la Marketman

    hmm cholesterol not good with beer (very deadly)
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  7. #7
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I just love lechon

    Most ovens here in UK are just a little to small
    I have cooked lechon a number of times with varying results.
    Next time I am planning to buy a whole butchered suckling pig and BBQ from scratch
    Philippine style over a firepit.
    Well that's the plan anyway.
    Hi Terpe
    That sound really good, please let us know how it goes, with a photo if possibe

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi Terpe
    That sound really good, please let us know how it goes, with a photo if possibe
    Certainly will Mick.
    Just need to BBQ weather

  9. #9
    Respected Member alanp's Avatar
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    any weather is BBQ weather I remember one new years eve having one at a side of a loch near oban with 3foot of snow on the ground and -8 degrees
    As life is to live so love is to give

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