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Thread: Is this another case of PLAGIARISM? Or just SLOPPY, LAZY JOURNALISM??

  1. #1
    Respected Member Win2Win's Avatar
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    Post Is this another case of PLAGIARISM? Or just SLOPPY, LAZY JOURNALISM??

    At breakfast this morning, I read the front page story in the Philippine Daily Inquirer (on-line version here) about Manny Pacquiao's superb victory over Antonio Margarito in Dallas yesterday. A friend texted to alert me to read both the Inquirer story and The International Herald Tribune, and I immediately had a hunch why I was asked to do so. Sure enough, word for word sentences and paragraphs appear to be taken by the writer of the Inquirer from the article in the IHT, which is taken from the New York Times wire service, its parent company.

    Content from...

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    So if they are both part of the same company then they'll share resources .... why rewrite it for the same company and end up paying twice for the same content?
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I know what you mean Win, it makes you think they're a bunch of cheapskates or something...

    I noticed a mens magazine once (I think it was loaded..) that had some familier looking pictures of babes in a certain pose, these pics would be used again and again in different issues, but they would be different in the respect that they had stuff copied and pasted in with a picture software program or something..

    So it was like 'why bother paying for photoshoots when we can just edit the old pictures and use them again!'


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