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  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Think Jim may have mentioned this a while back but have been hearing rave reviews from pc novices to hardened Techies.

    Plenty of info in the link and via Microsoft but in a nutshell its a free way of accessing a PC and helping someone remotely, as a VPN, for file transfer plus simply showing photos and presentations . Ie ideal for LDRs and helping the family back home who may not have a computer whizz at home anymore...

    Its number 9 in Cnets chart which means a lot of people are downloading and using always a good sign and the reviews are excellent..;contentAux
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I've used Logmein for years, and have all my mates/famil systems on it.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Log me in is my favourite so easy and quick.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Think Jim may have mentioned this a while back but have been hearing rave reviews from pc novices to hardened Techies.

    Plenty of info in the link and via Microsoft but in a nutshell its a free way of accessing a PC and helping someone remotely, as a VPN, for file transfer plus simply showing photos and presentations . Ie ideal for LDRs and helping the family back home who may not have a computer whizz at home anymore...

    Its number 9 in Cnets chart which means a lot of people are downloading and using always a good sign and the reviews are excellent..;contentAux
    Think it was maybe Joe that mentioned that one.

    I use Live Mesh to access my remote machines as not only does it sync but it provides an RDP client that can tunnel behind NAT to your remote machines. Requires no action on the part of the remote user apart from pressing one button to allow access, otherwise unless they actively refuse you access, you get on in 30 only seconds.

  5. #5
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    Wish I knew what his thread is all about
    I'm not a techie person but ..... wish I knew more

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Wish I knew what his thread is all about
    I'm not a techie person but ..... wish I knew more
    switch on and switch off and in between if all works well,then i am a expert

  7. #7
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    It's just remote help.
    Imagine you had problems with pc,with the above mentioned programs someone else with pc knowledge can access your pc and help you.

    They take control of your screen while you sit back and watch and pray they don't open your private photos folder

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    It's just remote help.
    Imagine you had problems with pc,with the above mentioned programs someone else with pc knowledge can access your pc and help you.

    They take control of your screen while you sit back and watch and pray they don't open your private photos folder
    OH! Don't think I like the sound of that

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    OH! Don't think I like the sound of that
    You have to give them permission Terpe

    Anyway your private photos folder should be encrypted in the first place

    In reality things like pictures don't work so well over these remote links particularly over UK-Philippines distances as the connections tend to be slow. Good enough though to let a techie fix a not quite fully working computer or to allow a techie to teach a remote user how to use their computer properly.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    You have to give them permission Terpe

    Anyway your private photos folder should be encrypted in the first place

    In reality things like pictures don't work so well over these remote links particularly over UK-Philippines distances as the connections tend to be slow. Good enough though to let a techie fix a not quite fully working computer or to allow a techie to teach a remote user how to use their computer properly.
    Thanks Jim, always appreciate and respect your posts, but.... I still don't like the sound of it
    OMG I have so much stuff on my pc (Always backed up) but...... I'm so suspicious
    I had my identity stolen one time, way back in 2002, and still have hassle now!!
    It really is such a nightmare

  11. #11
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    You can disconnect with them at any time,so if they are being nosey you just take control back easy.

    As long as you do that and trust the person everything will be fine

  12. #12
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    Thanks Jim, always appreciate and respect your posts, but.... I still don't like the sound of it
    OMG I have so much stuff on my pc (Always backed up) but...... I'm so suspicious
    I had my identity stolen one time, way back in 2002, and still have hassle now!!
    It really is such a nightmare
    I can understand, I recently had to allow a third party company access to my work computer so that they could install a trial program, it was not a typical click the setup.exe type of installation, it was quite involved and took the guy about an hour. I sat there and watched every minute normally I am the one connecting to someone else's computer and in that role these tools are great

    I'm not so keen myself when I am on the receiving end, as a programmer I would rather be doing it myself

  13. #13
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    I can understand, I recently had to allow a third party company access to my work computer so that they could install a trial program, it was not a typical click the setup.exe type of installation, it was quite involved and took the guy about an hour. I sat there and watched every minute normally I am the one connecting to someone else's computer and in that role these tools are great

    I'm not so keen myself when I am on the receiving end, as a programmer I would rather be doing it myself
    Ha ha i know the feeling Keep wanting to join in

    Terpe to be honest simply using a browser and IM or using the interweb can be just as risky as interacting via a teamviewer type program PC's with a person you know ie family, very close friend and using some common sense and minimize risks.

    But if you have folders you wish to keep safe password lock them and encrypt as Jim writes even if they have the access to your pc they cant access them which is wise if you are worried even if you dont use this or a similar program.

    If your PC was lost/stolen better to have multiple layers of protection as well as the login password to protect..

    Some of the programs you can restrict access to various parts of the pc different levels of Access and insist on you being ask permission at each step. Also some like got assist we use have logging of every mouse move etc, but thew cost of month per user is a tad steep..

    Being honest the safest way to keep data on the average PC safe and un touched is to keep the Internet away from it
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  14. #14
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    Jim and somebody,
    I need to do some serious research.
    Thanks for the info

  15. #15
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Just wanted to say recently Team viewer has come into its own both helping the folks back home. Basically some of the younger members have been away from home at short notice leaving people young and old who are not to pc informed in the household.

    The Wife has even been using teamviewer and helped her aunt out with using some features of various software

    My wife is not a techy person as she is happy to admit but knows her way round a pc a little better than her aunt..

    Using it I have step by step shown one of my wifes young Cousins how to check for and deal with updates and do some basic housekeeping which she now does for a little pocket money
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  16. #16
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    My work signed up to use the service, our support guys and gals do a lot of direct desktop support and they seem to love it, I've not used it much yet.

  17. #17
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Our IT guy at work recommended LogMeIn, so I have that on our laptops now. Came in useful at new year when i was in Phils and wanted to talk to my parents at home. They couldnt get the sound to work on Messenger, so I connected via LogMeIn and goet it sorted. Really good software.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  18. #18
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Log me in is good to the pro versions are very good many of staff use them

    Which ever version/brand worth having set up for when its needed. Lot easier to take control of a pc and show the other person what you did than try and describe. Especially in a LDR where communication of technical terms and phrases might be a bit more complicated
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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