Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
Think Jim may have mentioned this a while back but have been hearing rave reviews from pc novices to hardened Techies.

Plenty of info in the link and via Microsoft but in a nutshell its a free way of accessing a PC and helping someone remotely, as a VPN, for file transfer plus simply showing photos and presentations . Ie ideal for LDRs and helping the family back home who may not have a computer whizz at home anymore...

Its number 9 in Cnets chart which means a lot of people are downloading and using always a good sign and the reviews are excellent..

Think it was maybe Joe that mentioned that one.

I use Live Mesh to access my remote machines as not only does it sync but it provides an RDP client that can tunnel behind NAT to your remote machines. Requires no action on the part of the remote user apart from pressing one button to allow access, otherwise unless they actively refuse you access, you get on in 30 only seconds.